Hello Jeremy, I'm Italian and I do not speak English very well ... I
still want you to know that I consider your work exceptional. I wish
you all the best!

On 10 Nov, 05:33, twgrp <matiasg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, I wish you all the best!
> Second, a few questions :-) They are a mixed bag of questions, where
> answering one may cancel out others so I'll just present them in a
> pile:
> Could you or someone explain a little about the "ownership" of TW and
> it's various forms? I mean, as a regular user I see a risk of things
> forking apart when the key developer goes his own way. What of TW is
> left at BT? Will proprietary issues arise (BT owns Osmosoft, right) -
> or is all things TW property of UnaMesa? Are there intentions (at
> least from your side) to keep things compatible? As a general user, I
> use vanilla TW but also many tiddlyspaces. Are you involved in the
> latter?
> ...and, any elaboration on what "making TW good" means in your
> perspective, ie. what would your focus be (browser compatability,
> mobile focus, features, easier for newcomers, more commercial
> designs, ...?) Hope this is not rude of me to ask but because you are
> such a key individual for TW and it is a tool I use it would simply be
> valuable to get a sense of direction. (I think this question becomes
> extra pressing when it comes to open source projects driven by
> individuals. When you have a commercial tool like, say, a Windows or
> an Apple product, then you know the focus for them is to make the
> products as user friendly and as commercially powerful as possible,
> very carefully listening to the user needs. Not necessarily so with
> open source of course.)
> Again, all best!!!
> :-)
> On Nov 9, 3:00 pm, Jeremy Ruston <jeremy.rus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > After four and a half years, I've decided to leave BT in order to
> > return to working as an independent consultant. Osmosoft will continue
> > within BT under the leadership of Matt Lucht, and I'll be doing some
> > work back to Osmosoft to help out. The formal announcement is here:
> >http://osmosoft.com/#%5B%5BJeremy%20Ruston%20to%20leave%20BT%5D%5D
> > I'm hoping that through consulting I'll be able to work with a wider
> > range of people who are interested in TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb and
> > TiddlySpace. I also intend to focus some much needed time on
> > TiddlyWiki. I've started work on improving the content of
> > tiddlywiki.com, and am starting work on replacing the TiddlyWiki build
> > tools cook and ginsu with a more flexible toolchain based on node.js.
> > Once those two bits of infrastructure are in place then I'll pick up
> > TiddlyWiki5 again. I'm enjoying this work immensely; one of the
> > frustrating consequences of my position at BT was that I couldn't
> > spend much time coding.
> > I'm enjoying the feeling of decompressing. To be sincere and
> > constructive in working for an organisation like BT, you have to take
> > on the problems and perspective of the organisation as a whole. The
> > process is fascinating and instructive, and I've learned a lot from
> > it. But now I have the luxury of exchanging those concerns for some
> > much simpler ones: making TiddlyWiki good, and being able to earn a
> > living because of it.
> > I'll do my best to answer any questions,
> > Best wishes
> > Jeremy.
> > --
> > Jeremy Ruston
> > mailto:jer...@osmosoft.comhttp://www.tiddlywiki.com

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