On Nov 14, 8:54 pm, Tobias Beer <beertob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> So please, Jeremy, Chris, ... stick your heads together to make that
> happen... and get some community site and design guru's on board. I
> mean, I would definetely contribute if only there was such a project.
> Even though a lot of information has already been gathered there, I
> don't think TiddlySpace itself is the right place / has the right
> design / ships with the right premises. This is an "enterprise" in its
> very own right.

Why is this something that Jeremy or I should do or be responsible
for? It's a community site, right? So presumably the community could
do it? TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb, TiddlySpace, TiddlyHoster, GieWiki (and
lots of other things) are _all_ free. If somebody is willing and just
needs a server, I can happily give you that, I've got servers, but
that's about it.

Or if it is a choice between me and Jeremy, why would it be me? I'd be
doing TiddlyWeb. In fact I have been doing tiddlyweb, and I'm unable
to sacrifice the time I devote to TiddlyWeb because I'd prefer to do
one thing well rather than several things poorly. TiddlyWeb has a
front domain site[1], a specific documentation site[2], a google group
with very quick response time[3], and a plugin namespace and
distribution system that is standard for tools of its type[4]. The
quality of these things have all suffered as a result of TiddlySpace,
I can't also add TiddlyWiki into the fray.

My continued voice in this discussion is as a concerned bystander. My
efforts in the past with doing things like migrating code to github
have been attempts to shake the tree, but I'm overbooked in other
parts of the tiddler universe and TiddlyWiki is not my baby nor my
thing. If you must have someone like that then I suggest you look to
Jeremy and/or Eric.

So my response is a warm-hearted version of this:

Tobias, I've seen you design some very cool things for TiddlyWiki, how
about you put your head together with Mans, Wolfgang, Mario, Alex and
whoever else would like to see it happen, and make it happen. If you
can get things flying, and you need some server space, let me know,
and I'll get you some space on my peermore server.

[1] http://tiddlyweb.com
[2] http://tiddlyweb.peermore.com/wiki/
[3] http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlyweb
[4] http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=tiddlywebplugins

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