Actually, Måns, your post got me thinking...

I would say one good tenet for such a universal tiddler convention /
communication protocol would have to be that the model is adaptive or
"optionally extensible", whatever you want to call it.

What this means is that, while certain information would probably
define a basic set of what a tiddler is, there should be universally
defined extensions to this basic reference frame, e.g.
- uuids
- versioning
- forking / branching
- etc...

In contrast to most W3C specs ...which one usually expects "modern
browsers" to adapt in full... these should not be conventions that are
required for all tiddler "stores" or servers delivering tiddlers under
a given resource location.

Instead, there would be a basic store, in other words a static,
traditional TiddlyWiki which does not (quite) cater for the above
mentioned extensions. And there would be implementations of such a
unified tiddler protocol which qualify a server to do any or all of
these yet-to-be-identified-standard-extensions, either individually or
in full.

There should be naming conventions and conventions around how servers
meeting one set of these universal tiddler conventions talk to those
that implement a different set of these extensions... in terms of
"graceful degradation".

In other words, there should be universally agreed upon ways for how a
store that knows how to do versioning treats another store which
doesn't. This of course implies that people are actually aware of the
implications of such a scenario... in detail ...and that standard
methods of dealing with have been specified upfront and thus
implemented., to answer Chris' question... all the use cases for such a
convention / protocol stem from answers to questions about how
different implementations communicate around the thing that a tiddler
represents... with respect to a basic standard and then a number of
extensions each server "joining the conversation" along with the
resources they're dishing out bring to the table.


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