Ok, at least I can see your point. If we establish a forum as a
google.group's successor, it should be better than it is (although,
this seems true only if there will be a "linear" representation of
threads still available -- to read the upcoming threads just for
answering/exploring new things -- and also there should be
possibilities to track comments on a specific thread). This is to be
considered as a good step without regard to the documentation

> to moderate and shift threads I found easier than adjusting
> TWs. It usually just works out of the box :-)  (it's really that easy
> as marking the thread with a checkbox and selecting the forum where to
> move)

Not exactly. If we understand that a part of a forum should be
splitted (say, first we have a "plugins" subforum and then we
understand that it should be splitted into repositories' section,
discussions of specific plugins, desire box etc), it is quite
effortful to proceed the split as we have all the old threads not
sorted and some of them even wouldn't be sortable as they correspond
to two or more subforums simultaneously (this is what I really don't
like about forums and like about TW -- you don't have to follow the
tree structure).

But once again, it seems that there is some point in replacing the
group with a forum (easier way to search old threads).

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