> Note that DefaultTiddlers processing handles all TWCore filter syntax,
> including
>    tiddlername
>    [tag[tagvalue]]
>    [fieldname[fieldvalue]]
>    [sort[fieldname]]
>    [limit[10]]

Also, if you install

then you can use full boolean logic expressions (and/or/not) for tag
matching.  Instead of specifying just a single tag value in the
filter, e.g., [tag[tagvalue]], you can filter for complex combinations
of tag values, like this:
   [tag[tag1 AND tag2 OR (tag3 and NOT tag4) OR tag5]
and you can use "-" as a special value to select *untagged* tiddlers,
   [tag[tag1 OR -]]
you can also use regular expression (text pattern) syntax to specify
tag values:
will match any tags that start with "foo" or "bar".

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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