Hi Tobias

> From a design point of view, I would prefer to have the toc float at a
> fixed position with no collapsible sections.

In my setup sections are only collapsed when the tiddler is tagged
with: "fold".
The whole tiddler is collapsed by default - unless it is tagged with:
"åben" (open).
When the whole tiddler is collapsed the TOC is available as a button-
popup (to the right)
When the tiddler is uncollapsed the TOC is available as a box to the
upper left - and easily "ripped off" as a moveable panel.
If sections are folded - individual sections are opened when you click
at the section title in the TOC.

> Then, you would always see the toc for the current tiddler and have
> all content available at all times, which is important for searching
> in the tiddler text. It would, however require that the toc is not
> longer than a certain number of lines, otherwise the last ones were
> cut off.
> An additional link in the toc could allow to jumpt to the top of the
> page.

There is an arrow in all TOCs (both in collapsed and uncollapsed
tiddler state) to make it scroll to the top... it is however "mixed"
with the editSection button - and you wouldn't know that it works
untill you've clicked it.->

Try undocking a TOC and click the hover button - open a lot of
tiddlers, and the TOC will follow your view - click the up-arrow (to
the right of the TOCs title) - and it will scroll to the top...

> Also, I would not much like the toc to show section numberings if the
> tiddler itself does not show them as well.

You should be able to remove those from the zzSectionTOCoptions

> Personally, I would only use collapsible sections if it was a real
> accordeon with a slick animation (jQuery Style) for  either showing
> just an individual section (while collapsing all others) or all at
> once. I would not want to use any extra "mere" or  "x" button to show
> or collapse a section, the latter rather feels like "delete", anyways.
> Once you click on that section, you sure realize that it's an
> accordion... which is why I would make those collapsible/expandable
> section headings look more like large buttons.
> A simple CLICK toggle does the trick very well and perhaps a CTRL
> +CLICK (as indicated by a tooltip) might toggle all sections at once.

I don't know how to style the FoldHeadingsPlugin html-section - I did
try without much luck..

I'm having similar problems with the CommentPlugin and the associated
html -> I've asked Eric to make it stylable:

What I love about the SectionLinksPlugin is:
1) A tiddler's section is scrolled into view if you link to it
2) You can use ##section for templating !!
3) Theres a TOC (Which is however a little complicated to setup - for

It solves another problem I've had with EditSectionPlugin ever since I
started using it:
"How do I get (autogenerate) a list of editSection buttons for editing
any available sections in a tiddler??"

The TOC solves it !!

Now I simply need the TOC to follow the tiddler (which
MoveablePanelPlugin solves -sort of- except I can't make it start in a
"hoverable" state ) and be out of the way when I don't need it....

Your description of what you want it to do - sounds very nice :-) -
I'm just not able to make the "hoverable TOCpanel (without
MoveablePanelPlugin) and I don't know how to position it correctly in
relation to a tiddler in a "story".

The foldable sections are less important to me - I just thought it was
a great sideeffect that clicking a link in the TOC makes a folded
section open itself :-) - I see you point with the sections treated
"accordion style" - That would be nice extension to the
FoldHeadingsPlugin :D

@tobias - Why don't you code a styleable extension to the
SectionLinksPlugin, which:
a) Creates a "TOC-hover-menu" with a wheel for sections??
b) I'd love to be able to append the EditSectionsPlugin macros to the
section links/titles allowing for easy editing of sections from the
"TOC-hover-menu", as well!!

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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