On Tuesday, February 7, 2012 3:42:51 AM UTC+7, perlguy wrote:
> Agreed... my initial excitement over seeing the words "chromeless web 
> browser" were dashed when I got to the part where they say it's not 
> been open sourced yet... and on further reflection, it probably 
> wouldn't work as replacement for prism/webrunner anyway, being tied to 
> YUI, etc. 

My ultimate hope would be that TiddlyWiki itself could be implemented in 
such a way as to not require *any* browser, be freed of that dependence. 
Ideally being able to choose to run within a given browser as well, just 
not requiring it.

Does anyone know of a tiddlywiki friendly replacement for prism by 
> chance?  One that stays current with the underlying rendering and 
> javascript engines? (I still use standalone prism for my TWs on XP... 

Inherent contradiction there. TW's current (soon to be called "legacy" I 
guess) implementation's storage model doesn't fit with modern browsers' 
tighter security.

The FOSS project upstream of Chrome has a Prism analog in the works, but I 
imagine it will only work well with the future TW "NG".

sadly, it no longer works under linux - some library dependency broke in 
> F15 or F16

I have some legacy apps with very important data I haven't got around to 
converting that I run in a VM when needed - a pain to get set up, but now 
it's just like launching "just another app" - not much bigger or slower 
than launching something like Photoshop (or a fully loaded FF 8-) either.

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