> for example i have links to the tiddler HardwareStore and to the
> tiddler LokalFarmersMarket in a tiddlers which contains an Interview
> about where People get their Plants from. Also i have somewhere some
> tiddlers that are tagged with HardwareStore.
> now i decide for example, that i dont want to have two tiddlers
> LokalFarmersMarket and HardwareStore but that i only want to have one
> Tiddler called Market.
> so i need a "find and replace option" like it is in every editor that
> doesn't care where in the tiddlywiki file the word should be replaced,
> and just simply replace LokalFarmersMarket and HardwareStore into
> Market everywhere. I am aware that this could destroy the tiddlywiki
> System.

TiddlerTweakerPlugin can be used to change text in *all* tiddlers at
once.  Simply select all the tiddlers from the listbox in the
TiddlerTweaker control panel.  Then check the [x] replace text option,
enter your desired search text and the 'replace with' text, and press
the 'update' button.

Note that the [x]replace text function is only applied to the text
content of the tiddler.  To change tags, use the separate [x]tags
option in TiddlerTweaker.  First use the 'tags' selector (upper right
above the listbox) and enter a tag value to select all tiddlers with
that tag. Then, enable the [x]tags option and enter the old tag *and*
new tag into the input, using the special "+" and "-" prefix symbols.
For example, "-HardwareStore +Market" removes "HardwareStore" and adds
"Market" to all selected tiddlers.

Note also that, while TiddlerTweaker will change the *text* and/or
*tags* of the selected tiddlers, it will not *automatically* rename
tiddlers.  However, you can use TiddlerTweaker to quickly rename
individual tiddlers as well.  Simply select a single tiddler from the
listbox, check the [x]title option, enter a new title, and press

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

note: donations are directly used to pay for food, rent,
gas, net connection, etc., so please give generously and often!

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