Thanks, Skye!  I appreciate your response and at least I know how to make 
it find the file. :)

I was hoping to do something in Word and have it open it because the file 
needs to stay editable, so maybe I'm going to try another avenue.

On Saturday, April 14, 2012 2:15:49 PM UTC-4, skye riquelme wrote:
> Hi Julie 
> I am not an expert, but maybe I can shed some light on this. 
> Firstly, your syntax is ok. But the file address is not. You can use 
> relative file addresses like "/SubPasta/file.html" - which gets the 
> file.html in the sub-folder "SubPasta"...........ou maybe "../ 
> BrotherPasta/file.html" - which gets the file.html from a folder 
> parellel to one containing your TW. OR you can use full 
> adresses...something like "file:///C:/Users/Name/Documents/TWFolder/ 
> file.html" (obviously I am using a windows file structure!!!!). SO the 
> syntax becomes [[simulation 1|/folderName/file.html]] 
> Secondly..... in the above cases your browser (I use FF) will open 
> "file.html" probably in a new window (depending on your browser 
> settings) because it (the browser) knows about .html files and knows 
> what to do with them. But does your browser know what to do with 
> a .docx file??? You may be able to set your browser settings to 
> recognise this file extension.... it depends on your browsers 
> ability. 
> For example, as a teacher I work a lot with presentations...but they 
> are a pain in relation to I have yet to figure out how to get 
> FF to understand OpenOffice extensions. So my simple work-around is to 
> export my completed presentations into PDF format..... which all (?) 
> browsers know how to read. So I can use [[myPresentation|Folder/ 
> present.pdf]] which opens the PDF file in a separate window. Or, what 
> I normally use is something like "<html><iframe src="Folder/ 
> present.pdf" width=100% height=500></iframe></html>" which opens the 
> pdf file directly inside the I dont even have to leave 
> the TW environment!!! 
> Hope that is both useful and (at least basically) correct 
> Yours 
> Skye 
> On 13 abr, 11:03, Julie <> wrote: 
> > I've been playing with a code I found somewhere to open a Word file 
> > directly, which looks like this: 
> > [[Simulation 1|file//Simulation1.docx]] 
> > 
> > where "Simulation 1" before the | is the Tiddler text 
> > and the information after file is the document I want to open. 
> > 
> > When I do this (with or without the extension), I get the error: File 
> > not found.  Firefox can't find the file. 
> > 
> > Is there a way to have TiddlyWiki open a Word file directly from the 
> > local folder where someone can click on the file and have it open 
> > automatically (not save as)? 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for your help!

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