Hi Mario - I'm working through your suggestions (intalled the
#InlineJavaScript plugin, Firebug, done some debugging) and I've got a
lot more to do, but sadly there was no "easy win". I still get the
same message.

Feel free to ignore this, but if you have the time/inclination, here's
the link to the code I'm trying to implement.


The "string.match is not a function" message comes out of the Lexer.

What I've done is put the POSTagger & Lexer functions, as well as the
"database" variables,
into the systemConfig-tagged tiddler (is its name important, and if
so, in what way?). Then I'm implemeting the "body" code snippet as
inline Javascript.

Thanks, Andrew

On Jun 30, 11:58 pm, PMario <pmari...@gmail.com> wrote:
> TiddlyWiki is more like an application, than an HTML page.
> Everything in TW is stored inside a tiddler. While tiddlers are only
> stored inside the HTML file, they are not automatically handeld by the
> browsers script engine. They are handled by the TW core program. So
> the "handling" is a bit different.
> One common html way to acitvate libraries and scripts is similar to
> this:
> <html>
>   <head>
>     <title>Some title text</title>
> a) <link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/externalLibrary.css">
> b) <script src="../lib/externalLibrary.js"></script>
> ...
> c)</head>
>   <body>
> d)<script>
>     externalLib.doSomething = function (externalGlobalVar)  {
>        // do some stuff here.
>     }
>   </script>
>   </body>
> </html>
> If you copy this snippet into a tiddler it will __not__ work and it
> shouldn't, because it doesn't fit TWs structure.
> ====
> In TW terms: (see markers above)
> a) is done with StyleSheet tiddlers, that are activated by the TW
> core.
> b) are library tiddlers tagged systemConfig.
> d) is a plugin call
> =========
> The TW way would be similar to this:
> a)
> Copy the content of the CSS (only if it is _really_ needed) to a
> StyleSheetLibX tiddler. If it says eg: reset.css _don't_ use it. Only
> use library specific css.
> Call this tiddler from StyleSheet
> eg: StyleSheet contains
> [[StyleSheetLibX]]
> b)
> Copy the _content_ of the externalLibrary.js into a tiddler named
> externalLibrary.js and tag it systemConfig
> c) Go to tiddlytools.com and find InlineJavascriptPlugin [1] and
> import it to your test TW. Be sure to read and understand
> InlineJavascriptPluginInfo!
> tag it systemConfig. IinlineJavascriptPlugin activates the use of
> <script></script> tags inside a tiddler. This is super cool for fast
> prototyping, since you can use most of externalLibraries
> documentation. If you know how things work, you should create TW
> plugins.
> d) copy something similar to
> <script>
>     externalLib.doSomething = function (externalGlobalVar)  {
>        // do some stuff here.
>     }
>   </script>
> into a tiddler. __don't__ tag it systemConfig
> If the library documentation says something like:
> <script src="bla bla">
>     externalLib.doSomething = function (externalGlobalVar)  {
>        // do some stuff here.
>     }
> </script>
> _remove_ the src="bla bla" it is not needed with inline javascript
> plugin, if you did step a) to c) right.
> ====
> You can use
> <script label="clickMe">
> </script>
> to create a button. This will make debugging easier.
> For debugging you should use FireBug browser AddOn for FireFox or the
> built in DevTools in Chrome and IE9+
> ====
> If you would have added a link to your library of desire, the examples
> could be more prezise but imo it will give you some hints :)
> have fun!
> mario
> [1]http://www.tiddlytools.com/#InlineJavascriptPlugin

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