I am a still a beginner and worked for a while to setup a new TW to run a 
community Museum Page on a WEB-Server (www.museum-zurholt.de/).
Locally I need all the TW elements to create Tiddlers, Edit and Save these 
which works fine.
But after I uplaod this TW-file on my WEB-Server, several elements are 
still displayed, for e.g. "view", "close", "tags",....
Is there a solution to remove all these elements in the ReadOnly-Mode on my 
WEB-Server to disply my TW as a simple HTML-based WEB page and, when the 
TW-file is local on my computer, that all functions to create Tiddlers, 
like Edit and Save are back?
Here are my setting:
1. I am using "*ToggleRightSidebar* <javascript:;>"  and the *
"SinglePageModePlugin"* macro
2. I deactivated in the MainMenu the right sidebar: 
3. I setup the following ToolbarCommand settings
|~ViewToolbar|closeTiddler closeOthers editTiddler > fields syncing 
permalink references jump|
|~EditToolbar|+saveTiddler -cancelTiddler deleteTiddler|
Thank you for feedback.

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