Hi Vincent

I was busy with other things and didn't have time to test (meantime
using the v1.4.6 table editor).
So, after a long time I started testing the new versions (v1.5/0.7.7).

To be honest I only need the table editing feature. That feature makes
editing tables a breeze and I think it is worth to make a separate
plugin for that feature alone (I'am still using the "table-only"
version 1.4.6 daily).
I don't need the possibility of editing of other parts (on a PC with
large screen), but I can imagine other users do like it. For mobile
devices it is a different story (small screen).
In most of my TWs I installed Eric Shulman's Quick Edit package, but
after some time I noticed I used that package only for a few special
(custom defined) formats like an iFrame or an iFrame within a slider.
All other formatting (headers, lists, bold, ... and even some CSS
style wrapping) I do "by hand".

For testing (Windows 7, Firefox 19.02) I made a minimal test case
based on the new TW 2.7.1.
When I only added TWtid.min and TWted.min I only got a blank screen
after saving and reloading.
At first I thought it had something to do with the TW version, but
"older" TWs behaved the same.
Older versions of FF did not help either.
Since other browsers also showed a blank page, it wasn't a FF issue.
But I remembered seeing the the v1.5 plugins working (weeks ago I did
some preliminary testing).

When I added TWtid.min, TWted.min *AND* TWtcalc.min (v0.7.7) to an
empty TW everything worked as expected. After deleting TWtcalc.min the
blank page reappeared!
So there is a certain dependency between the plugins.
That wasn't the case with version 1.4.6; I use TWtid and TWted WITHOUT

A MTC with TWtid.min, TWted.min and TWtcalc.min did NOT show the
"backstage" button in the upper right corner.
I could go within the backstage with help of the "EnableEdit"
bookmarklet by Saq Imtiaz. It "repairs" the backstage/close buttons
during the session, but after reloading the TW the backstage button
doesn't show again.
With tables, headers and ordered/unordered lists I only see the "C"
button; no "E" button is visible although TWtid and TWted are enabled
and TWted is active in View mode (default settings).
I remember from preliminary testing I saw the "E" button and could do
some editing.
An older (v3.6) portable version of FF behaved the same: no backstage
button, no "E" button.
Chrome portable (v25) behaved the same as well: no backstage button,
no "E" button.

Another strange thing I noted in FF (NOT in Chrome):
!!!Ordered list
# item1
# item2
# item3
## item3.1
# item4
# item5
# item6
## item6.1
!!!Unordered list
* item1
* item2
* item3
** item3.1
Hovering over the block elements (in FF, v19 & v3.6) you see the "C"
button except for item3 and item6 in the ordered list and item3 in the
unordered list. In Chrome you see it everywhere.

I don't know what is happening; I can't even start testing.
My MTC can be found here [1]



[1] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2638511/MTC_TWtid_TWted_TWtcalc.html

On Mar 15, 8:36 am, Vincent Yeh <qmo.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Yakov,
> On Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:31:09 AM UTC+8, Yakov wrote:
> > Hi Vincent,
> > glad the development goes on. Could you specify what bug you was talking
> > about in the WYSIWYG discussion? The "cursor in the preview" one?
> > The bug was fixed lately so no need to worry about it. However, for your
> information I'll put some words here to explain. In TWted the editbox
> adjusts its height as the user is typing, and, for reasons unknown to me,
> the adjustment requires (for some browsers) first setting its height to 0
> to get the correct height of its content (see 
> here<http://twtable.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BDynamic%20TextArea%20Height%5D%5D>if
>  interested). In a recent coding time I accidentally removed some of the
> codes to set the correct height back, resulting in a zero-height editbox
> once I started to type. But the editbox still had the focus and received
> all the keystrokes, and the previewer was still working, so it looked like
> the previewer was responding to my typing, that gave me a feeling of W-G.
> > First, I'd like to suggest some things which are not directly connected
> > with the development:
> > * how about adding a simple startup message in the repository [1]? Instead
> > of the default GettingStarted tiddler, add a breif intro about the plugins
> > and links to them, so you don't need to attach the links each time and a
> > visitor doesn't need to search
> * it seems it's time to update the Descrition slices in both> TWted/TWted.min 
> and TWtid/TWtid.min (those are no longer about tables only)
> * I think it's better to specify what version of TWtid TWted needs (the> 
> same, or not below, or.. you may specify this in the "Needs to have" slice)
> > * the metadata table of the plugins being cut (see the screenshot 1) don't
> > make them look better; in addition, when one tries to grab the scrollbar,
> > he or she mouseovers it and the table jumps into the edit mode, so
> > scrollbar avoids being cought :) (see the screeshots 2-3, red dot is an
> > approximate posision of the cursor)
> > ** in fact, I didn't get how to avoid this cutting and would like to know;
> > as I pointed before, such behavior shouldn't be default
> > Those are good suggestions. After releasing 1.5.1 I shall spend some time
> on the documentation.
> > Then some notes about the new version. In fact v1.5.0 got very buggy.
> > 0. Online version works (there are some details, but that's not that
> > important for now)
> > 1. When I launch a TW v2.6.6 with TWtid.min/TWted.min v1.5.0, I get a
> > blank screen (Opera 12.14, win7 x64)
> 2. When I launch a TW v2.6.6 with TWtid.min v1.5.0 with no TWted, the same> 
> story
> > 3. The same story in FF 19 (both variants)
> > 4. In another testing TW (2.6.5, with SharedTiddlersPlugin 1.5.0 -- when I
> > disable it, I get blank screen) things "work", but there are numerous bugs
> > (no backstage, C/E buttons positioned in wrong places so that no element
> > can be actually edited, encoding problems with non-latin letters after
> > saving/loading...)
> > Honestly I did not test 1.5.0 with Opera and FF so I didn't know about
> these. The not-yet-released 1.5.1 does not have such problems in my system.
> Maybe I fixed it somehow without knowing it? We'll see this soon.
> Regarding the "WYSIWYG": aside the cursor, I can see that a link is
> > previewed as a link when the cursor is outside its tiddlytext, previewed as
> > [|[text|target]] when I get between "[[" or "]]" (!!) and parts of the
> > "text" depending on the position otherwise (!). The (!!) part is very
> > interesting behavior for a "WYSIWIG-like" way of editing, the (!), in
> > contrast, is rather inconvenient.
> I noticed this behavior. It was caused by the "fake cursor", default to the
> vertical bar (|), that I inserted to the caret position to mimic a cursor
> in the previewer. This certainly affects the wikilinks because the vertical
> bar is used to separate the label and URL of the link. I understand this
> fake cursor must be changed to something else, but I haven't found a better
> one yet. Any suggestions?
> > The last note for today is this: can the plugin for inline editing be
> > based on hijacking the wikifier [2] and formatters [3] (or only
> > formatters)? It seems (although I don't understand the alrogrythm well)
> > that hijacking
> > Wikifier.prototype.outputText
> > can help with editing plain text..
> Thanks for the note. Actually I tried this way when I was writing the
> grandpa TableEditor, but soon gave up and turned to hijacking
> refreshTiddler(). I couldn't quite understand the formatters, but it seemed
> to me that I would need to abandon the original and rewrite a new one to
> replace it (Am I right about this?). Hijacking the refreshTiddler() is easy
> to implement but the cost is "double rendering": table cells with
> multi-lined content are rendered twice, first by the system table
> formatter, then the table renderer in TWtid. Currently it doesn't seem to
> be a problem because it doesn't delay too much. However, to really avoid
> this I would suggest the table formatter to have a cell handler, which the
> TWtid can hijack to render the table cells with multi-lined content before
> they get rendered by the system formatter.
> As for editing plain text in view mode, I am not sure hijacking the
> wikifier or formatter would help, because view mode editing is to catch
> some thing *after* it is rendered while hijacking the wikifier/formatter is
> to catch some thing *before* it is rendered. The main concern of view mode
> editing is not how it is rendered but how to find the corresponding
> wikitext after it is rendered. The problem I see is "plain text does not
> have a block element (such as <P> or <DIV>) and signature". TWted needs a
> block element and its signature to locate the correct wikitext for view
> mode editing. It relies on block elements because
>    1. a block element can have a clearly defined index number* in a
>    rendered page, and
>    2. block elements have their "signature" in the wiki text.
>       1. For example, a list item is one line of text that starts with
>       either (*) or (#), a heading is one line of text starting with (!), a 
> table
>       is defined by consecutive lines of text that start with (|), etc.
> With those signatures and the index number of the block element, TWted can
> correctly locate the corresponding wiki text. See the [[How?]] section in
> the to-be-finished 
> document<http://twtable.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BEditing%20wiki%20text%20in%20th...>if
>  interested.
> This approach works for block elements but fails on plain text in a
> tiddler. As mentioned above, plain text does not have a block element and
> plain text does not have a signature. It's just plain text. The solution
> implemented in TWted 1.5.1 is to "locate the block elements before and
> after the plain text", get the wiki text in between to edit. It works for a
> piece of plain text that does have one block element before and one after,
> such as a section text that is preceded by its own heading and followed by
> another heading (or any other kinds of block elements). I am left to deal
> with the situations with missing block elements, either one or both. Should
> be done soon.
> * The index number used in TWted is the "order of appearance" of a block
> element "within its own type within the same tiddler".
> Thanks for your time and suggestions.
> Have fun!
> Vincent
> > Best regards,
> > Yakov.
> > [1]http://twtable.tiddlyspace.com/
> > [2]https://github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/blob/master/js/Wikifier.js
> > [3]https://github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/blob/master/js/Formatter.js,
> >https://github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/blob/master/js/FormatterHelp...
> >>> Am 09.02.2013 15:25 schrieb "Vincent Yeh" <qmo....@gmail.com>:
> >>>> Forgot to include the download links:
> >>>>    - TWtid v1.5.0:http://twtable.tiddlyspace.com/#TWtid.min
> >>>>    - TWted v1.5.0:http://twtable.tiddlyspace.com/#TWted.min
> >>>>    - TWtcalc v0.7.7:http://twtable.tiddlyspace.com/#TWtcalc.min
> >>>> Have Fun!
> >>>> Vincent
> >>>> On Saturday, February 9, 2013 10:21:03 PM UTC+8, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> >>>>> Interested in editing your tiddler in the view mode in TiddlyWiki? Try
> >>>>> this view mode editor plugin TWted (requires TWtid).
> >>>>> Interested in a calculator that supports (partially for now) Excel
> >>>>> syntax in Tiddlywiki? Try the simple calculator plugin TWtcalc (requires
> >>>>> TWtid).
> >>>>> These plugins are under active development. You are very welcome to
> >>>>> give comments/suggestions/bug reports. :-)
> >>>>> The first versions of these plugins were TableEditor and
> >>>>> TableCalculator, released in 2012/06/24, that only supported table 
> >>>>> editing
> >>>>> in the view mode. Later they were extended constantly and then evolved 
> >>>>> into
> >>>>> TWtable, TWted and TWtcalc (released 2012/10/19), still only supported
> >>>>> table editing. Recently they were further extended to support view mode
> >>>>> editing on most of the block elements (see below) in a tiddler, much 
> >>>>> more
> >>>>> than just a table editor, so I decided to start a new thread for these
> >>>>> plugins. You can find their earlier history in the old thread "Inline
> >>>>> Editing of Tables" started by pepebe.
> >>>>>    - TWtid v1.5.0 — The basis of the view mode tiddler editor TWted and
> >>>>>    simple calculator TWtcalc, including a table renderer.
> >>>>>       - Generalized the codes from TWtable 1.4.6, which works for
> >>>>>       tables only, to support most kinds of block elements, see 
> >>>>> descriptions for
> >>>>>       TWted below.
> >>>>>       - The included *table renderer* supports
> >>>>>          - scrolling for large tables,
> >>>>>          - multi-lined cell content (you can have a list in a table
> >>>>>          cell),...
> read more »

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