While we're on it, might as well offer my thoughts and stuff.

Even though I couldn't get it working on my Tiddlywiki, I downloaded the 
Tiddlywiki at http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/ and tried editing that 

Unfortunately, if I change themes, everything falls apart and uglifies 
quick. Would it be possible to make a more theme-neutral stylesheet for the 
breadcrumbs, top-bar, and leftbar? 

Also, would it be possible to emulate the effect in TiddlersBar, where the 
currently open tiddler tab has a different color, perhaps by using 
something with the zoomin view or something?  

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:13:17 PM UTC-7, Leo Staley wrote:
> Hey, Ton! Great work. Even though the following suggestions may sound like 
> criticism, I still intend to use this because it's so useful, even without 
> addressing the following concerns.
> A great implementation of the TiddlersBarPlugin is 
> here<http://tbgtd.tiddlyspot.com/#tbGtdTheme%20TiddlersBarPlugin%20desk>at 
> TobiBeer's 
> tbGTD<http://tbgtd.tiddlyspot.com/#tbGtdTheme%20TiddlersBarPlugin%20desk>. 
> The TiddlersBar Normally forces single page kind of view, so you're only 
> ever viewing one Tiddler at a time. If you open a new tiddler, the previous 
> one is hidden, but its title is visible in the TiddlersBar in a greyed out 
> color, as if they were in tabs. The currently viewed Tiddler is a different 
> color, so you can see which one you're in right now. Partly because of 
> this, the area where they are displayed is limited to just above the open 
> Tiddler, no further left, no further right. 
> Would you be able to adjust the code and/or CSS to bring those features 
> back too? Or at least, would you be able to explain to me how to do it? Or 
> some of them?
> Speaking of explaining to me how to do it, currently, I've tried 
> implementing your TopBar and Breadcrumbs into mine, a blank, new 
> TiddlyWiki, but it's not working.
> I created all 4 Tiddlers,
> $:/_topmenu
> $:/_breadcrumbs
> $:/_stylesheet/topmenu
> $:/_stylesheet/breadcrumbs
> Copypasted the contents from the instruction page, each tagged as 
> required, (there isn't a tag listed for what tags $:/_breadcrumbs should 
> have, so i've left its tags blank)
> And almost nothing happens. except both $:/_topmenu $:/_breadcrumbs 
> display the same content, which is a list of the open tiddlers. 
> What am I doing wrong?
> On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:59:16 PM UTC-7, Ton Gerner wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In TWc I was a fan of the TiddlersBarPlugin [1].
>> AFAIK Eric Shulman's BreadcrumbsPlugin [2] does about the same.
>> Based on the code of the 'Open' tab in the Sidebar of TW5, I made my own 
>> Tiddlersbar (or breadcrumbs).
>> I added it to my guide about a top and left menu [3].
>> Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
>> Cheers,
>> Ton
>> [1] http://visualtw.ouvaton.org/VisualTW.html
>> [2] http://www.tiddlytools.com/#BreadcrumbsPlugin
>> [3] http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/

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