On Saturday, March 22, 2014 3:12:33 PM UTC-7, skye riquelme wrote:
> BUT all this uses links to existing files (...online or offline)....links 
> to images not images embedded...its the embed functions that got stuffed up 
> by these security questions....which means that great plugins like 
> LocalDirectory LaunchApplication, AttachFillePlugin...don1t work anymore - 
> with medern, updated browser versions.

Actually, *use* of embedded images still works just fine... 
AttachFilePluginFormatters extends the [img[...]] syntax to allow reference 
to embedded "attachment tiddlers".  The problem is in *creating* NEW 
attachments, which needs to read *binary* file content from the local 
filesystem.  That is the part that is blocked by the browser.

However... there IS a way to *manually* create attachment tiddlers....

First, take a look at:

The format of this tiddler uses standard TiddlyWiki section syntax, like 
example of encoded data attachment

The sections are labeled "usage", "notes", "type", "file", "url", and "data"

The "type" section defines the MIME type for the attachement (e.g, 
"image/gif", "image/png", "image/jpg")
The "file", "url" and "data" sections are options, but at least ONE must be 
present.  The "file" section is for local filesystem references, the "url" 
section is for remotely stored images, and the "data" section is for 
embedded base64 encoded binary (e.g., the image file contents)  To display 
the image, AttachFilePluginFormatters first tries the embedded data (if 
any), then the local "file" reference (if not blank), then the remote URL 
(again, if not blank).  If 

You can create your own attachment tiddlers manually by making a copy of 
the AttachFileSample tiddler and then hand editing the information it 
contains.  The only tricky part is generating the base64 encoded image data 
itself.  There are several easy-to-use "base64 image encoder" tools online. 
 Typically, you just upload your image and it returns the encoded text 
result.  You can then copy/paste that data into the appropriate place in 
the attachment tiddler.  Note that the data section of the tiddler always 
starts with "data:image/gif;base64,", followed by the actual data.

Hopefully, this will give you enough to get started... let me know how it 


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