
I've recently started using TW5 and love it but am still getting the hang 
of some things. I'm using it as a personal wiki/partial replacement to 
having a folder containing myriad LaTeX files on different subjects I need 
for my current research. Accordingly, I've integrated MathJax into my TW5 
journal (via the solution/tiddler at http://mathjax-tw5.kantorsite.net/), 
and so far it's worked very well for my needs.

The only issue I'm having is with how to have TW5, the MathJax plugin, and 
my custom LaTeX commands play well together. What seemed to work well 
enough when I was using a local TW5 html file was to simply have a 
dedicated tiddler in which I would define any ubiquitous custom latex 
commands inside a \( ... \) block. (I've done my best to limit these to 
about 20 commands so far of the hundreds I usually use when typesetting.) 
The only real issues I encountered were (1) I would have to occasionally 
click edit and then save the custom latex tiddler before opening another 
one in order to get MathJax to correctly parse my commands and (2) even 
that wouldn't help with rendering LaTeX in tiddlers being displayed as tabs 
in another tiddler (although this is actually an issue with the kantorsite 
plugin in general not something failing to parse my own commands).

After a few searches through the documentation/some guides, I'm left 
wondering if there is a simple solution to this problem. In particular...

   1. Is there a way to edit the default tiddler template so that every 
   tiddler contains the aforementioned \( ... \) blocks? (All my commands 
   use \def instead of those new-fangled \newcommand and \renewcommand macros, 
   and so this shouldn't cause MathJax to complain.) Ideally, I would love it 
   if this could be done without having the large list of commands appear in 
   the edit window whenever I'm editing a tiddler.
   2. Are there any other (hopefully more elegant) solutions to the 
   problem? Again, I'm very new to TiddlyWiki and so it's pretty likely I've 
   missed other ways to do this.

Thanks for any help you can provide and (if you're a dev/how-to writer) 
thanks for an excellent product!

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