I came across TW5 while coding a personal document management for myself, 
and TW5 seem to be an excellent candidate. However I would like to expose a 
feature that may really be neat for managing all kind of informations, and 
that do not seem to exist from my (newbie) understanding :

   1. Allow one *Property *to be multi-valued.
   2. Allow a *Property *to target a *Tiddler*. This somehow is equivalent 
   to a *Link*.
   3. Allow a *Property *to have a semantic meaning. For example, a *Tiddler 
   *about the book "*C Programming Language*" could use *property *"*Has 
   Author*" twice, targetting "*Ritchie*" and "*Kernighan*". Not that a 
   *is directionnal, and that the reverse has a different meaning 
   (something like "*Was written by*"). This may be familiar for users of 
   the Semantic extension of Mediawiki.

This *Property *feature could probably be implemented by extending an 
existent features :

   -  *Links *already allow 1 and 2 and back-links exists. Currently *Links 
   *do not convey any specific meaning. They just represent a generic "has 
   something to do with" relationship.
   -  *Fields *allow 3, without any "reverse meaning" because *Tiddlers *are 
   currently not valid targets (2.). Maybe this fits the "Tiddler object 
   format" deferred task of the roadmap.

Internally, such *Properties *could even be used to implement *Fields*, 
*Links*, or *Tags*,, as the laters seem to be specific cases of a more 
generic one.

Do some of you need such a feature ? Did someone manage to tweak TW5 do 
achieve this without changing it ?

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