* Are you talking about the Windows version here? I don't think it's possible 
to flatten the directory structure; it's just how node-webkit works (I'm 
disappointed there isn't a way to pack a node-webkit app into a single .exe 

Yes, I'm talking about Windows version. What I'm asking for is possible in 
Windows, it is related on how the zip is packed. What I expect after 
decompressing the zip file is to have a folder containing all the needed files. 

* This requests (along with things like tabbed browsing and spell checking) 
does raise some interesting questions. The more we try to make TiddlyDesktop 
like a "real" browser, the more work it will be, and the closer TiddlyDesktop 
will become to Firefox+TiddlyFox. So the question that I need to understand is 
why some people prefer TiddlyDesktop over Firefox+TiddlyFox?

Is not a matter of making tiddlyDesktop a a real browser, is just about giving 
to it some useful functions. There are many reasons why I do prefer 
tiddlyDesktop over Firefox :
1.  It is portable and beautiful and gives the feeling of using a dedicated 
application for what I'm doing. I have several programs open on my daily basis, 
and having one dedicated to one of my main tools is nice. 
2. I don't have to install an overloaded, ugly, resource eater browser that I 
don't like and I could not have rights to. 
3. I don't have to install a plugin that could not be available in the future 
(this happened in the past ) due to random decisions from mozzilla. 
3. We (and with this I mean you ☺) can configure tiddlyDesktop to be what we 
4. Fast and easy, just open the program and all my files are there. 
5. Do I mentioned that it is very cool? 

* Export functionality is coming to the core and should work fine in 

I'm not talking about exporting. I'm talking about saving individual tiddlers 
as tid files like node JS does. 


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