>> 2. Double click doesn't open a tiddler for editing. Will this behaviour 
>> be implemented in TW5?
> I hope not. I like it to be able to select word-wise by double clicking 
> the first word I want to select.
> Well, I'm asking about the plans; anyway it's no problem to implement that 
as an optional feature governed by a param.

>> 3. I haven't found a way to add DOM classes inline (like 
>> {{myClass{text}}} in TWc), only inline styles and block styles/classes 
>> [1]. Will there be some syntax to do this?
> What does this do? You can add <span class="myclass">text</span>. You can 
> even create Templates or macros for that.
I use this heavily with CSS in TWc, the options you propose are too long to 
write each time (I use them for different semantic highlightning). I've 
heard about some kind of "definitions" which allow to define new syntaxes 
like old-school "+++[label]stuff===" for sliders etc, but I don't remember 
the name of the mechanism.. Can anyone help with that?

> 4. In TiddlyWiki.com, permalink/permaview are now shown in the toolbars. 
>> Of'course, I can unhide them each time, but it would be more convenient if 
>> they are shown (mostly permalink on tiddlers).
> Why would it be more convenient? I don't want to see them. It's sufficient 
> for me to be able to grab them from the sidebar's open-tab. I see no use in 
> actually seeing them.

They are needed for referencing and sharing links. The trick you propose is 
ok, although it requires more clicks (while with proper keyboard shortcuts 
permalink method requires only one). After all, one more icon wouldn't 
hurt, I guess.

>> 5. In default theme, the EditTemplate (or how it is called in TW5) 
>> doesn't look simple at all (while Jeremy wrote that simplicity is of 
>> importance for attracting new users a while ago). Also, the edit area 
>> itself occupies very part of the tiddler area. I'd propose some adjustments:
>> -- move "show preview" to the toolbar
>> -- hide the "Use wiki text <http://tiddlywiki.com/static/WikiText.html> 
>> to add formatting, images, and dynamic features" tip to some sort of 
>> "info section" which is to be toggled by a button in the toolbar (just like 
>> the info button in the view mode toggles info)
>> -- put the content type chooser and the field adder in the same line 
>> (added fields are displayed in separate lines anyway)
>> -- probably reduce margine of the edit area at least by third
> I disagree. But you're free to tweak the templates to your likings.

Well, if you don't provide arguments, it sounds like you disagree for the 
sake of disagreement (considering the rest of you response). Back to TWc, 
Jeremy refused to add some command to EditTemplate (references or jump, if 
I'm not mistaken) for the sake of simplicity; for now, the EditTemplate is 
not simple at all and it's much more complicated (or piled, it's better to 
say) than that of TWc...

>> 6. Are there sections, slices or stuff like that in TW5? Some means of 
>> usage TW in a "database-like" style (like using ForEachTiddlerPlugin or 
>> GridPlugin [2]) -- with the content shown inside the tiddler text? May be 
>> even some tools to aggregate such tables within the core?
> slices - no, except kind of in data dictionary tiddlers
> sections, stuff - not that I know ;)
> "database-like" / foreach - have you seen the list widget?

I haven't explored it fully (may be there's more power behind templates 
than I know for now); when there's no distinguishing of sub-data, I won't 
expect that it's possible to build some representation for it. An example 
of what I mean:

in TWc, I have different sets of tiddlers, for instance
<name of a pupil>
|remarks about character|...|
|things to remember|...|

and I aggregate values of slices for different pupils into different 
(interactive) tables. On the other hand, sometimes I open tiddlers of 
certain pupils to see and analyse different stuff, so I need these to be in 
the tiddler text (not in the rather hidden fields).

>> 7. when I add a tag or a field and then press esc (cancel), no prompt 
>> like "are you sure that you'd like to abandon the changes" is displayed.
> And that's good! 
> My opinion is different because this increases a possibility of unexpected 
data loss; the behaviour can be made switchable via settings as well.

Best regards,

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