Hi Erwan,

I don't mind anything I make to be used in any way by the TiddlyWiki 
community. But since much of my information in TW5Mall (and TiddlyQuickly) 
is surely outdated, perhaps it would be better if you guys grabbed the 
still useful stuff from it and posted it on your own sites, rather than 
posting links to TW5Mall and TiddlyQuickly.


On Tuesday, December 23, 2014 4:08:32 PM UTC-6, Erwan wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> Here is my new "TW community search": 
> https://rawgit.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator/master/tw-community-search.html 
> (it's not actually a search engine, rather an index; just thought 
> "search" was clearer). 
> The offline process downloads a predefined list of publicly available 
> wikis, then merges their content as system tiddlers into the new wiki. 
> The rest is customized TW search. 
> * The user cannot see the tiddlers directly on the search wiki: every 
> link (in the search results or by clicking on a tag pill) is converted 
> to an external link to the original tiddler (this solves the main issue 
> which appeared in the first version, where some content was broken due 
> to incompatible plugins/system tiddlers). 
> * Currently all non-system tiddlers are scraped from the indexed wikis, 
> but we can consider a more subtle system with special tags, fields or 
> whitelist/blacklist (see https://github.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator/issues/6) 
> The current list of indexed wikis can be found at 
> https://rawgit.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator/master/tw-community-search.html#CommunityWikis.
> If you are the author of one of these, please tell me if you agree to 
> this use of your wiki: unless there is an explicit licence in you wiki 
> (and I didn't find any in the current list of wikis), I need your 
> explicit agreement for this reuse of your content. So please reply, 
> otherwise I will have to remove your wiki from the list... and obviously 
> the shorter the list the less useful the search will be. (I will also 
> send individual emails to the authors in case they don't check the TW 
> mailing list regularly). 
> Also if you are the author of a wiki which is not in the list and you 
> want it to be referenced, please tell me. 
> Mario had raised a few issues for the first version in 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/Tiddlywiki/qGk3aH731Pc/fZ0RvvsEyqAJ: the 
> first one is solved, and I hope to solve the second one about the 
> copyright issue soon. However the third one about google referencing I'm 
> not sure: I think (?) that the "link farm" problem is solved by the fact 
> that now links are built dynamically by some widget/macro code: there is 
> only one permanent link to every referenced wiki (i.e. not in every 
> tiddler anymore). However the duplication of the content might still be 
> an issue? If anybody knows how this works and what I can do about it, 
> please tell me! 
> Regards 
> Erwan 

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