Hi Jeremy,

The system/shadow tiddlers were excluded because originally I wasn't renaming the tiddlers, thus causing unwanted interactions on the search wiki. I guess that with the renaming (simple prefix with $:/<wiki id>/) there is little risk of interaction, but I'm not sure to know about all the possible kinds of "interactions" in TW. Anyway I can do some tests with them, but if you or any other TW expert could tell me which aspects to be careful about when merging all the tiddlers, that could be helpful. I know at least that I can't include plugin tiddlers, and currently I also exclude theme and javascript tiddlers to be safe (?).

Indexing all public wikis seems more problematic to me, as some authors might not want that: additionally to my emails on the TW list I have sent an individual email (and later a reminder) to every known author in my list, so at this point I have to assume that those who did not answer are not interested. Since my system requires storing their tiddlers in the search wiki, it wouldn't be appropriate to do it without their consent. It would be different if the content was not made public (even hidden as system tiddlers), but I don't see how to do differently since it is the TW search system which does all the work.

About the particular case of is[missing], I did a manual grep search on my local machine among the 29 wikis in my list (tagged CommunityWikis, including the non-indexed wikis; 5715 tiddlers in total) and found 25 occurrences (more precisely lines containing at least one occurrence); see the detailed results attached. By comparison I found:
- 135 is[current]
- 19 is[image]
- 5 is[orphan]
- 67 is[shadow]
- 389 is[system]
- 44 is[tiddler]
- 7 is[tag]

I was even imagining that this could be automatized, actually: some kind of asynchronous search triggered by some particular tag/tiddler in an indexed wiki, for which you would see the results the day after in a special tiddler of the search wiki... But that seems to me like a terribly complicated system for a very specific use case! (and that's not even addressing the potentially excessive workload on my machine)


On 07/02/15 13:35, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
Hi Erwan

Well done for your work on this, it's good to see this sort of experimentation.

Something that's been cropping up over in GitHub discussions is that it might be useful to be able to search across all community wikis to see if certain constructions are being used heavily in the wild. For example, we've realised that the `[is[missing]]` filter has the wrong semantics, which we'd like to fix but it would be useful to have some idea if it is widely used it in its present form.

So I guess I'm asking for the ability to search system and shadow tiddlers, and perhaps to broaden the search to all publicly accessible TW5 wikis. If only there was a way to get Google/DuckDuckGo to return a list all TW5 documents that it has crawled...

Best wishes


On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Tobias Beer <beertob...@gmail.com <mailto:beertob...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Erwan,

    Will be curious how your aggregator will handle all the redirects
    and renaming I'm pushing though right now. ^^

    Best wishes, Tobias.
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ae-railroad/tiddlers/$__core.tid:            "text": "/*\\\r\ntitle: 
application/javascript\r\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\r\n\r\nFilter function 
for [is[missing]]\r\n\r\n\\*/\r\n(function(){\r\n\r\n/*jslint node: true, 
browser: true */\r\n/*global $tw: false */\r\n\"use 
strict\";\r\n\r\n/*\r\nExport our filter function\r\n*/\r\nexports.missing = 
function(source,prefix,options) {\r\n\tvar results = [];\r\n\tif(prefix === 
\"!\") {\r\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) 
{\r\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t} else 
tb5dev/tiddlers/1388-fix-is-missing-filter.tid:summary: fix `[is[missing]]` — 
filter didn't check against `options.wiki.getMissingTitles()`
tb5dev/tiddlers/$__.tb_ui_ViewTemplate_tagging.tid:    <$list 
tb5/tiddlers/$__core_modules_filters_is_missing.js.tid:Filter function for 
tb5/tiddlers/filter_ is missing.tid:This wiki implements a different 
''is[missing]'' filter than the TiddlyWiki core. This version, in fact, 
effectively overrides the core filter which returns whether or not the tiddlers 
in the input set exist or not.
tb5/tiddlers/filter_ is missing.tid:; `is[missing]`
tb5/tiddlers/filter_ is missing.tid:Compared to the core, `is[missing]` is 
__not__ synonymous with `!is[tiddler]`, or vice versa.
tb5/tiddlers/filter_ is missing.tid:<<` "{{{ [[DoesntExist]] [[Welcome]] 
+[is[missing]] }}}">>
tb5/tiddlers/$__.tb_ui_ViewTemplate_tagging.tid:    <$list 
filter="[all[current]is[missing]] [all[current]text[]] 
[all[current]tag[$:/tags/tagging]] +[tagging[]limit[1]]">
subfilter:"all[current]is[missing]] [all[current]text[]] 
[all[current]tag[$:/tags/tagging]] +[">>
tbdemo/tiddlers/$__core.tid:            "text": "/*\\\ntitle: 
application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for 
[is[missing]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true 
*/\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter 
function\n*/\nexports.missing = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar 
results = [];\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) 
{\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else 
tbdemo/tiddlers/$__.tb_ui_ViewTemplate_tagging.tid:    <$list 
TiddlyMap/tiddlers/$__core.tid:            "text": "/*\\\ntitle: 
application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for 
[is[missing]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true 
*/\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter 
function\n*/\nexports.missing = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar 
results = [];\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) 
{\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else 
TiddlyQuickly/tiddlers/Creating custom lists of tiddlers using widgets and 
filters (slide 9).tid:<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]] 
[is[missing]sort[title]] +[sort[title]]"><$link><$view 
tiddlywiki.com/tiddlers/FilterOperator_ is.tid:* `[is[missing]]` - 
MissingTiddlers that are referenced but undefined
tiddlywiki.com/tiddlers/FilterOperator_ is.tid:|`[is[missing]]` |Returns an 
empty list (see note below) |
welford/tiddlers/$__core.tid:            "text": "/*\\\r\ntitle: 
application/javascript\r\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\r\n\r\nFilter function 
for [is[missing]]\r\n\r\n\\*/\r\n(function(){\r\n\r\n/*jslint node: true, 
browser: true */\r\n/*global $tw: false */\r\n\"use 
strict\";\r\n\r\n/*\r\nExport our filter function\r\n*/\r\nexports.missing = 
function(source,prefix,options) {\r\n\tvar results = [];\r\n\tif(prefix === 
\"!\") {\r\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) 
{\r\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t} else 
welford/tiddlers/Filters.tid:<<list-links "[is[missing]]">>

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