Hi Tobias,

I didn't know how to apply CSS to an individual tiddler, so Ton's example 
gave me a clue how to do it.

The tiddler tagged with style1 opens with the sidebar I suppose covered up, 
rather than hidden.

.tc-tagged-style1 {
background-color: white;

It's just a basic solution which does the job - I don't know if I gave the 
impression I was after something more elaborate.


On Monday, 2 March 2015 17:31:16 UTC, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> I don't think your request is all that much of a simple one.
>> From readingTon's example here 
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/tw5$20css/tiddlywiki/eQplsRemVtQ/-4GFCf1P1SMJ
>> I now understand how to apply basic CSS to a specific tiddler by tagging 
>> it, so I've managed to achieve what I wanted to do.
> Applying css to the tiddler only probably won't do the trick (properly).
> So, it would be nice to see what you've achieved so far.
> I believe, this would rather require some macro that fires the required 
> actions, e.g.
> <<fullWidth SomeTiddler "pretty title">>
> with...
> title: $:/_my/macros/fullWidth
> tags: $:/tags/Macro
> \define fullWidth(title, pretty)
> <$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink">
> <$action-foo/>
> <$action-bar/>
> — reveal $*title$* or $*pretty$* —
> </$button>
> \end
> So, it would do what the chevron does when closing the sidebar, plus 
> opening the tiddler.
> Actually, how to reopen that sidebar other than by using the chevron seems 
> a valid question: Just going to a different tiddler should not do that 
> trick... unless you would be overwriting the default tiddler opening in a 
> way where it would also forcefully show the sidebar.
> Best wishes, Tobias.

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