
I recently started using my wiki again to keep notes as I work. I've found 
it useful to add $(currentTiddler)$ to my new journal title so that I can 
keep separate journals for separate things but have them have the date in 
the title. Unfortunately, it seems that the text in $(currentTiddler)$ is 
formatted as a date, which I do not want. In my case, the new journal title 
is set as

$(currentTiddler)$ - MM/DD/YYYY

And I am attempting to create a new journal from a page titled

ZnS Detector Development

And when I try to create a new journal from that page, it makes a new 
tiddler with the title

ZnS Detector Develoament - 3/3/2015 

Which I think is a change of the pm->am since right now it's 11:30 AM (as 
suggested in 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/diNQZFG_7js/xwPT4lcKd3gJ). Is 
there any way to have tiddlywiki not format the text in $(currentTiddler)$?

Sorry if this is somewhere obvious but searching hasn't found very much for 

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