Great work Jed and Thank You Jeremy for keeping our xAPI project in mind! 
We are coming to the close of the xAPI cohort sessions currently #10 of the 
14 scheduled and I do have hopes for a last minute, heres what we can do 
showing there! I know you're doing everything possible to get 5.1.8 out so 
that you can turn some attention to xAPI and I so appreciate everything you 
do for us here. Building great examples of how TiddlyWiki can provide 
content has proven not to be a problem at all and this type of interaction 
like Jed and others have done brings us even closer to our goal but I feel 
once we can show that xAPI communication even just one way from TW5 to an 
LRS we seal the deal as far as proving TW5 as a useful platform in building 
offline educational systems or other forms of xAPI interaction from. I also 
feel that those using xAPI in the future ( if / when) they see these 
capabilities are going to want to take advantage of all the other 
capabilities TW5 provides to build future projects from adding to the brain 
power of our community here or at least that is my hope. Thanks guys and 
WOW 5.1.8 is looking so awesome! I am anxious to get an update and see 
where we are in all this is there a hangout scheduled anytime soon? 

Thanks guys,

On Friday, April 10, 2015 at 1:45:51 AM UTC-6, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> > If getting marks/analytics back from students is an issue presumably 
> this could be stored in the wiki and extracted in some fashion following a 
> subsequent upload to the LMS/VLE?
> The plan is to gather marks/analytics using the TinCan API (there is an 
> integration project underway).
> Best wishes
> Jeremy.
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:59 AM, Jed Carty < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> It isn't really a clone of Oppia, but I did make a multiple choice quiz 
>> thing. For the multiple choice part giving setting different behaviour 
>> based on the answers shouldn't be too hard. I am less sure about the string 
>> input parts, checking for an exact match to either a single option or from 
>> a list wouldn't be hard, but giving guided help based on responses in that 
>> case will probably be harder.
>> Here <> is what I 
>> have thrown together as an initial test.
> -- 
> Jeremy Ruston
> <javascript:>

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