An addition to my feedback two posts up;

   - *Presumption* of how a plugin is made up and how Tinka creates one: 
   the plugin is created by copying+converting multiple tiddlers into a json 
   tiddler. At the same time, the original tiddlers are converted into being 
   shadow tiddlers.
   *Feedback*: In creating different *variants *of a plugin, which I'm just 
   trying to do, I find it would be valuable to access tiddlers that have 
   previously been converted to shadow tiddlers. (Specifically, I'm creating a 
   variant of the SideEditor and it uses all the tiddlers of the current 
   variant but also some new ones.) If possible, I would like an *option to 
   include shadow tiddlers* in the Tinka search tool. (...or is a tiddler 
   somehow critically changed as it is converted into a shadow tiddler, making 
   it unusable for plugin content?) 

   - *Observation*: When developing my plugin, I need easy access to the 
   tiddlers involved so they are not prefixed with $:/. This, however, means 
   that when the plugin is created, they are hidded (shadowed) but with these 
   titles... which makes them "odd" in the shadow list and, more unfortunate, 
   they get placed (alphasorted) to the very bottom of the listing. If someone 
   is looking around for where these tiddlers are hiding, then being at the 
   very bottom of a long list is of course not good.
   *Feedback*: I'm not certain it's a "Tinka issue" as much as a workflow 
   issue, but I would like to use common titles during development but have 
   $:/ added* as they are converted into shadow tiddlers. Maybe this is 
   something Tinka could offer? 

Again, thank you for this Andreas. Very valuable!


On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 9:12:54 AM UTC+2, Mat wrote:
> @Andreas
> First; thank your for this creation!
> Here is some feedback:
>    - I don't think the "Create New Plugin" button/content should be under 
>    the tab "Installed Plugins" but instead warrants a tab of its own.
>    - As someone new in the plugin packers business, I am a bit uncertain 
>    what happens to my original tiddlers. It seems they are fully replaced 
> with 
>    the created plugin. This makes it difficult to make changes and I would 
>    strongly prefer that the original tiddlers were left intact.
>    - "*Plugin title*" appeared clear... until I read *(full "path")*. I 
>    suggest using the same technique used in the standard "New Tiddler", i.e 
>    add a faint gray "disappear-on-type" instruction in the text field saying 
>    perhaps "*e.g $:/.../myPlugin*". (...if this, in deed, is what you 
>    mean).
>    - ...further, I propose moving "*Name:*" to first position in list, 
>    then "*Plugin title*" and then "*Author*". 
>    - For "*Plugin type*" I would love to get a drop down menu with 
>    predefined suggestions in addition to the possibility to make up a type. I 
>    propose "predefined suggestions" as part of a greater "community issue" to 
>    standardize denominations and terminology for the coming Federation. I'm 
>    guessing this will become important then in order to find things (or am I 
>    wrong?) Your whole plugin packer already does a wonderful job for creating 
>    a standard for the meta data labels (e.g "Author" as opposed to "Creator", 
>    "Plugin-maker" etc), not to mention the fact that your plugin encourages 
>    people to actually add this data to begin with.
>    - "Description"; It is not unlikely that the plugin author finds the 
>    plugin to be more "obvious" than the later users. For this reason it is, 
>    IMO, desirable to really encourage the author to describe it properly, and 
>    the current field is IMO too small for this. (An option would perhaps be a 
>    field with "*Link to documentation*" or some such.)
>    - "Version"; do I understand it right that typing in "1" or "0.1" 
>    should automatically be converted to "0.01"? (I made my first plugin the 
>    other day and proudly tried to set it to version 1.0 but this was 
>    converted. Maybe there are standards for versioning that I'm not aware of?)
> Your creation is what I classify as "infrastructure for sharing" - 
> extremely important for the TW project IMO. It is worth considering that 
> there is, for sure, a lot of brilliant stuff created in the TiddlyVerse 
> that is never shared because it is a bit of exrtra work to do so. To 
> absolutely minimize this barrier must be one of the most important things 
> we can do.
> ...This is why I, in a recent hangout, tried to propose that your plugin 
> packer or similar becomes part of the standard distribution. I mistakenly 
> referred to the latter as "core" which I feel confused my proposal. I 
> understand people feel differently about this, but here's a thought; would 
> it be possible to make your packer so that it could be included on, 
> as a service *there*? I.e so that a user could e.g drag or otherwise 
> import tiddlers his own tiddlers into it and get a plugin in return to drag 
> back to his own TW... or even upload directly from to e.g a 
> tiddlyspot? 
> Ok, again, thank you so much for this Andreas.
> <:-)

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