On Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 11:19:43 PM UTC+2, Ben H. wrote:
> I am new to tiddlywiki, and have precious little experience with web 
> development in general.

hmm, The existing TW UI is all about plain HTML structure (with a twist) 
and CSS. ... 

As I wrote already. The existing TW UI is an application and a vision / 
philosophy. TW knows about themes and views. So everything you envision is 
already there. ... You just don't know, how to use it ... yet ;)

My perspective is that of someone looking for software with certain 
> functionality that I can use to build some apps I've been thinking about 
> for a long time. 

I think you found it. 

> I've looked at React, Reagent, Meteor, Angular, Om, re-frame, and dozens 
> of other libraries and frameworks. I liked a lot of the ideas behind many 
> of those, but none of them are close enough to what I envisioned to allow 
> me to adapt it to create something like what I envisioned. 

Yes, they are all interesting. But none of them is like TW. .. 

TW is designed to be used as a self contained, self replicating, single 
file Wiki. It can live without a server side backend. 

Most of the frameworks you describe have the server side in mind. Even if 
they don't tell you. Because the server software or the "build process" is 
part of the business model. It's like "Free to Play" for games. .. The 
basic functions are free, like in free beer but if you want to do real 
work, you'll need to enter the shop, in some way or the other. 

I came across TW several weeks ago, and was very excited to discover that 
> Tiddles are almost EXACTLY what I was looking for! The functionality of 
> Tiddles, being able to link, search, transclude, and hold any arbitrary 
> type of data, include metadata via fields, this is very nearly the precise 
> functionality I wanted from my small unit of information. 

Reading your vision and your next post, I think you are right. 

> Which is why I referred to TW Vanilla as a "default app": from my 
> perspective, the Tiddles and the wiki are two distinct things.

Nope. ... For TW everything is a tiddler. TiddlyWiki itself is build with 

This mechanism adds some complexity, but it is the only reason, why TW is 
so flexible. So removing the complexity, by starting from scratch, may seem 
to be a nice goal at first. But in the end you'll end up, with something 
similar to what TW is at the moment. Trust me!

The TW layout can be modified by "end users" down to the basic core 
functionality with "themes" and "views". ... I don't know any other 
software, that gives "users" not "developers" so much power. You can have a 
look at youtube, how the TW UI changed over time. see: TiddlyWiki History 

> The wiki is simply one of the cool things that can be built from Tiddlers. 
> Earlier this week I was even sketching ideas for how one might use Tiddlers 
> to build an application with electron, by having each UI panel as a 
> separate $tw instance, and keeping their tiddle stores in sync. 

Syncing content is one of the most complex things, we try to do in the web 
era. .. Not because syncing is complicated. It's because the web is evil, 
and we need to deal with security instead of syncing :/

> Which is what brings me back to my original question, which might be 
> better phrased as "How do I separate the Tiddles from the Wiki?"

In the original post (OP), you want to get rid of the system and shadow 
tiddlers. IMO at the moment, you can't get rid of them, without destroying 
the application. In TW they are part of the "programming language to create 
TW functionality". 

Just to be sure. TW knows themes, and views. ... So reading your hand 
written ideas, you want to go with your own theme, which can be completely 
different to the vanilla theme. You just need to know, what to do. TW also 
knows about "editions" see: http://tiddlywiki.com/#Editions, 
https://youtu.be/7tRvAj1ZG9s?t=1056 and https://youtu.be/7tRvAj1ZG9s?t=1282

If you want to "separate your content from the application", you can use 
tiddlywiki with nodejs. see: 
http://tiddlywiki.com/#Installing%20TiddlyWiki%20on%20Node.js ... The 
nodejs server is intended to be used by TW developers, for local testing. 
IMO there isn't any security, if exposed to the web, but it should get you 
started locally. 

For additional info you may find this interesting: 

have fun!

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