I'm not entirely certain how to describe what I'm trying to do, but here 

I've got a Star Trek fanfic wiki and I'd like to list which planets belong 
to certain empires by when they joined said empire.  I'm doing this through 
a series of historical event tiddlers so I can do some further stuff with 
the events.  Here are how my event tiddlers are currently set up:

*Example 1:*

[[Denobula]] joins the [[United Federation of Planets]]

planet: [[Denobula]]
year: 2164
jointype: join

*Example 2:*

[[Xizholia]] is conquered by the [[Romulan Star Empire]]

planet: [[Xizholia]]
year: 2329
jointype: conquer

What I'm doing so far is getting a list of planets that belonged to certain 
empires and compiling them in a list.

For example:
<$list filter="[tag[empire_event]tag[United Federation of Planets]]">

*{{!!planet}} ({{!!year}})

This comes up as:

* Earth (2161)
* Denobula (2164)

What I'd like to do now is get a list of species that belong to certain 
empires using the planets listed in the event tiddler's planet fields.  *Both 
the species tiddlers and the event tiddlers have planet fields, and I'd 
like to figure out how to return a list of species whose planet fields 
match the planet fields in a list of event tiddlers.*  Does anyone know how 
to do this?  Thanks!

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