Hi Daniel,

I have no need to publish things with it, I simply want maximum ease of use.

Define easy:

   1. easily manage individual tiddlers and move them about, perhaps into 
   dedicated topic wikis, e.g. "my cookbook"
   2. easily author tiddlers in a wiki

If your focus is merely 2. then there's no need for node.js. If you wish to 
be more flexible with how and where you store individual tidbits, with how 
you weave them together in an actual html wiki, with what plugins you wish 
to be loaded, what other wikis, what templates ... all the 
tiddlywiki.info-bits you wish to use that allow you to fully mix and mingle 
the content you need then, in short, you use node.js. Some of these things 
can be done with a lot of drag and drop or export import... however, 
manageability suffers.

What I tend to do, is to not have a catch-all wiki, but to split tiddlers 
into different wikis, contextually, per topic. This makes things more 
manageable, focused, I find. However, it creates the problem that the 
platform I work with, being TiddlyWiki as an application, will not be the 
same for each wiki. They may be of different versions, have different 
plugins, macros or other components like templates. So, the more of those 
you have, the more you start wishing that you could better control which 
components are available in which wiki, via inclusion so to speak or 
"bundles", I called them *swarms* once.

If there's a core or plugin update, wouldn't you just want it to be updated 
in all your wikis, not just one?

I want to be able to edit it in-browser, from anywhere, picking up from 
> where I left off.

This is perfectly doable in TiddlySpot (same as with store.php). You should 
not need to actually download your wiki... and I would only recommend to do 
so for backup reasons, although... both TiddlySpot and store.php handle 
backups already.

> I find the interaction quite clunky in that I have to download a copy, 
> edit, and then save to push back to the server.

In other words: you don't have to do that. You open your instance in your 
browser, enter your credentials in the control-panel and hit save.

Using multiple devices to access my TiddlyWiki means I also have to take 
> another offline copy from TiddlySpot every time I wish to edit, or 
> otherwise remember which machine I last used it on.

By not downloading offline copies (except for backups only) you pretty much 
eliminate this problem.

I can change the save options in the TiddlyWiki control panel so that it 
> saves in browser, but then I can't seem to download a copy for backup 
> without changing these settings once again.

This is barely problematic. I can imagine that you can even create a 
modified save-button that will let you save a local copy, despite the 
server settings being set. Not sure... needs testing.

Another problem is that to edit on iOS is simply too much work, but 
> sometimes I really need to get stuff out of my brain and into a tiddler, in 
> browser saving would therefore also be preferable here.

Same, again, simply edit online... otherwise use your favorite ios notes 
app. I love trello.

Hosting myself seemed to be the best way to get around TiddlySpot's 
> limitations (although there could be a way to work with it I've not found). 
> I can save in-browser whilst still keeping my own backups (as it would be 
> hosted on my own machine).

The one difference between store.php and TiddlySpot that matters is: you 
control the server (ignoring for a moment that it is perhaps rather your 
hosting provider who actually does). But that's pretty much the only 
difference. For one, you don't need to register a wiki on your server, you 
just point to the store.php and have it handle the wiki. 

I understand your main point to be that I can host my TiddlyWiki anywhere 
> just as it is, seen as it is just a HTML page; no need for a fancy server 
> deployment. May I ask though why you choose to use the node.js 
> implementation locally?

As said above, it allows me to slice my tidbits into reusable, includable 
batches... that I can batch-update and easily rearrange as individual 
tid-files moved around my file-system.

> Is it just so you can manage the wiki by individual tiddler?

Put it the other way around: It is so I can manage individual tiddlers, and 
only then wikis. In other words, tiddler's first. Using some version 
control system like git(hub), I get to have a version history for each 
tiddler. People can even collaborate with me on all this, via forking or 
making pull requests or simply opening issues in an issue tracker. This is 
something a standalone wiki makes quite hard, if not impossible.

Many problems you find posted around here would be far easier to respond to 
simply by actually looking at the tidbits, rather than reading prose 
describing what feels like a problem.

> And if so is that tiddler-centric management of the wiki the only real 
> difference between node and single page TiddlyWiki?
Basically, yes... and this paradigm-shift, slightly away from the wiki, 
moving towards el tiddler opens up many more ways to think about and work 
with tiddlers. It's possibly how TiddlyWeb actually came to life, how 
something like tank or TiddlyHoster, TiddlySpace, interestingly all by the 
same author Chris Dent, came into being. Some of those may not feel as 
polished or are difficult to understand, but their use-cases are radically 
different, if only in terms of presentation and then... in terms of what 
those environments can actually do to and with tiddlers that a standalone 
TiddlyWiki simply cannot.

For TW2 people were writing adapters to couch.db or google app-engine, like 
GieWiki. Those things tend to be of the kind that eventually cater for 
better manageability (inclusion) all the way to collaboration. On 
TiddlySpace, I simply include a public plugin-space from the author and if 
that thing gets an update, well I have it waiting for me the next time I 
open my TiddlySpace. I did nothing. No clunky fiddling and visiting update 
sites to perform mildly confusing procedures.

Best wishes,


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