Just curious. Does zooming of TW on Safari on i-devices work appropriately?

On Firefox in Android, when you attempt to zoom on a tiddler the words go 
off the end of the screen. Very annoying and not how it works on the 
desktop. Fortunately, it works correctly on andtidwiki.

One of the advantages of epub readers (at least on Android) is that you can 
easily change font size and color and even set up night reading 
environments. To use TW as a complete epub substitute, it seems like you 
would need some way to easily swap themes to accommodate the user's 


On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:57:19 PM UTC-8, John Newell wrote:
> (*First time Group Poster, 7 years TW user and fan.*)
> I need assistance in creating a TW5 file that is an alternative to eBook 
> format - that is 
>    - Non-editable by the reader
>    - Without the sidebar ( as navigation is / will be - via tags & links 
>    in each tiddler (chapter)  and "close tiddler button" at the base of the 
>    long pages.)
>    - and no access to backend
> If anyone can assist we'd be very grateful - and as I have had trouble 
> finding anything online that espouses the greatness of TW5 as a likely 
> BETTER alternative to eBooks in other formats ( and provides a guide to 
> achieving the uneditable standalone version ) - I would love to promote the 
> socks off tiddlywiki's benefits. I have over 400K social followers over 
> various accounts- the biggest following a few have caught up with me 
> recently on : twitter @magillamax
> *Background to this request :*
> My wife and I have just finished a very large tome (7MB) called "Spiritual 
> Quest" ("SQ") which we have recently issued to 40+ people to review before 
> taking it live.
> Created as an EPUB - it amazed me how many had trouble downloading it - 
> then opening in an ePub reader - usually iBooks.
> After getting frustrated at their ineptness - I looked at myself and 
> figured that "I" must make the book more accessible.
> I quickly created a TW5 version - uploaded to dropbox - and emailed it to 
> 22 ppl with a direct link to the TW5 within dropbox.
> Most had dropbox and opened it immediately _ voilĂ  !! 
> <https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjb-feOuKvLAhWIipQKHTVwCMkQFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wiktionary.org%2Fwiki%2Fvoil%25C3%25A0&usg=AFQjCNEc8CG-LJDPv1Eb4759IKMMuTiUcw&sig2=XPXOkuVw4hZ6XDDe5t-zlg>
> I also provided to each a quick guide to Adding the SQ Tiddlywiki file to 
> "Reading list"
> In TW5 it renders (significantly) better, is more efficient in use of 
> space, cleaner, easier to edit, changing Settings to Airplane Mode and then 
> opening up perfectly in Safari - all good ---
> ( and TW5 is always a "snack" to edit and add to )
> thanks in advance - and I'll keep future comm's less wordy...... JN
> *Tiddlywiki has revolutionized my management of client information, 
> registrations, content, invoices etc ( especially with the advent of {{ }} 
> transclusions)I have also used it for VERY effective management and 
> tracking a recent (narrative) book.I love what TW5 can do, and use it 
> daily. However I am very cautious going into the deeper coding.*
> <https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjb-feOuKvLAhWIipQKHTVwCMkQFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wiktionary.org%2Fwiki%2Fvoil%25C3%25A0&usg=AFQjCNEc8CG-LJDPv1Eb4759IKMMuTiUcw&sig2=XPXOkuVw4hZ6XDDe5t-zlg>

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