In case anyone has any interest in this, I have attached a new version of 
my "loadnew" command with a correction to the date comparison logic.



On Friday, 18 March 2016 13:37:46 UTC+10, Mal wrote:
> All,
> I am looking after some tiddlywikis with important content and have 
> implemented a backup scheme that involves loading the tiddlywiki html files 
> into a node instance and then taking file system (zfs) snapshots of the 
> tiddlers folder.  The only problem is that the tiddlywiki --load command 
> always loads and saves all tiddlers regardless of whether they have been 
> changed, so the snapshot includes all tiddlers.  The ideal would be to have 
> an incremental load command that only loads new or changed tiddlers into 
> the tiddlers folder, giving a much smaller snapshot size.
> As an attempt to achieve this, I created a "loadnew" command by cloning 
> the "$:/core/modules/commands/load.js" tiddler to create a new tiddler 
> "$:/core/modules/commands/loadnew.js" with appropriate code to limit the 
> imported tiddlers to only those that do not already exist in the tiddlers 
> folder, or have a newer "modified" date/time.
> Although this seems to be working well, I am a very amateur coder and am 
> not sure if this is a good way to achieve what I'm after, so I welcome any 
> comments or suggestions.
> For anyone interested, I've attached the resulting tid file for 
> reference.  It is a simple matter of copying this to the node tiddlers 
> folder to make the --loadnew command available.  However, I recommend 
> treating this with caution due to my previously mentioned amateur coder 
> status.
> Regards,
> Mal

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Attachment: $__core_modules_commands_loadnew.js.tid
Description: Binary data

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