Following this line of discussion/thinking, I have another situation:

I would like to make a TW available for download by folks, and then send 
out 'updates' in the form of new tiddlers bundled in a .json file that they 
can simply drag & drop into their TW.

I followed some instructions found here (can't find the post to link to at 
the moment) which said:

> *For those who are unaware of the standard method – this is my usual 
> procedure:1. Tag each of the tiddlers you wish to export with the tag 
> 'Export' 2. Open the Filter tab of Advanced Search 3. Enter the filter 
> expression '[tag[Export]]' (this should list the tiddlers you wish to 
> export) 4. Click the little 'Export tiddlers' button next to the filter 
> search box 5. Select 'JSON File' 6. Enter the name of your file, and save 
> 7. Drag the saved file onto your other wiki 8. Import the tiddlers 9. If 
> any of the tiddlers contained plugins, save and refresh*

 This method works great, but when those tiddlers are subsequently imported 
into the users' TW, the "Export" tag remains and I'd rather not have that 

Isn't there a way (a macro, maybe?) that would enable you to see a list of 
all the tiddlers in your TW and pick and choose the one(s) to export by 
simply clicking a checkbox next to their title?

And, as a secondary question/problem I have, could I force the 
newly-imported tiddlers to open in an expanded position immediately after 
importation into the users' TW?
(I'm assuming there's no possibility of overwriting the *Default tiddlers* 
section of the users' Control Panel, so that those newly imported tiddlers 
would be the first thing seen upon a reload?)

Thank You in advance for any help :)


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