OK, I'll answer my own question:

Firstly, when I loaded a fresh copy of the wiki into node.js, the png 
images appeared in the tiddlers directory in their native png format along 
with an associated .meta file.  I guess I had loaded the previous copy from 
an earlier version of Tiddlywiki that behaved differently.

Then to convert embedded png images to jpg format, I created a bash script 
that stepped through all the png files and converted them to jpg files, 
edited and renamed the associated .meta files and then ran a search and 
replace on all the tiddlers to replace references to the old .png files 
with the updated .jpg files.

This reduced my wiki file size from 73MB to 26MB - much more manageable.

I'm sure there are much more elegant ways to do this, but this solved my 
immediate problem.


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