
Every information/documentation system has an entry point. I think that 
> here everything starts with So once the StackExchange site 
> is in beta we can put that on 

"Single Entry Point" is a very good idea for any community working in 
"Transmedia" environment. The problem with TW site is it's inconsistency 
with one of the TW principles: Anything Is a Tiddler 
In my experience, "Anything" means anything. If I have, for example, 
"TiddlyWiki Mailing List" in mind, I should be able to find it in the 
"Topic Search" bar on TW site. It's not there, unfortunately. To my 
understanding, it is not there because TW site is following the common (and 
may be obsolete?) principles of sequential and hierarchical organisation 
information. Same principles can be seen in books, file systems, street 
maps, etc.

Don't take me wrong, hierarchy is great for discovering and learning 
purposes, when I don't know what expect from this particular site or field 
of knowledge. However, it's inapplicable to my "finding" activities when I 
am absolutely sure that the content is "there" and under that particular 
title. This "Direct Access to Particular Topics" mode is not realised on TW 
Here is how it is realised on LiM:
Type a topic, and you will be either transferred onto that particular page, 
or asked to create a missing page. In the latter case, there is a number of 
scenarios I would prefer to talk later.

In my experience again (sorry for being spoiled by "knowledge networking" 
technique), I do not have to remember what and where was and have to be 
published. I open a Topic and see all the links I need for communication, 
as well as the summary of that communication, like on this page prepared 
for TiddlyWiki Development Plans 
I have no expectations in regards to the content of this page but allow it 
developed as adequate to the actual situation as needed for my immediate 
actions and reuse.

In my experience, if I divide information in pieces (tiddlers), I do that 
in purpose, and the purpose is the reuse of those particular bits of 
information. Reuse means accessibility. Accessibility can be provided only 
when each particular tiddler can be found / directly accessed, or 
discovered in seconds. Any kind of forum, GGroops, ReddIt, etc., are not 
made for the purpose. They are good for discussions of massive number of 
participants, as a primary source of information. However, for "decision 
making" and fast action they are not applicable. One would need to go 
through all the posts, before sense formed and prepared for a decision. The 
latter means that every decision is based on "reinvention of a wheel" done 
previously by someone else, on the same topic, in similar situations. 
That's how I see place and role of Knowledge Network vs Forums. 

As someone already mentioned on this forum, federation of tiddlers is as 
important as federation of the structuring of the knowledge networks. 
LikeInMind methodology and PBWorks technology are flexible enough to allow 
federation of anything. 

The bottom line would probably be:

   - scattering of resources between various platforms (Transmedia 
   environment) puts a barrier to accessibility to particular knowledge. 
   - knowledge networking (interconnection of relevant tiddlers into 
   taxonomies and networks) removes the barrier and allows any particular 
   tiddler found / discovered in seconds

These are the fundamentals for LikeInMind knowledge networking platform I 
am planning to transfer into the TiddlyWiki format, a format of future P2P 
Web, to my understanding.

Thank you All for what you have developed,

my special thanks to Jeremy Ruston


On Wednesday, 28 December 2016 07:14:03 UTC+13, Arlen Beiler wrote:
> On Dec 27, 2016 12:52 AM, "Dmitry Sokolov" wrote:
> My concerns:
>    - TW on SO looks not very popular
>    - our activities will be scattered between the platforms
>       - an environment linking all the bits and pieces similar to 
>       LikeInMind will be required, to have all knowledge reliably found, 
>       discovered and retrieved
> Every information/documentation system has an entry point. I think that 
> here everything starts with So once the StackExchange site 
> is in beta we can put that on 
> People find the other resources through that most likely, as well as 
> through Google perhaps. Group users do a lot of stuff with the group, and 
> the main complaint is that there is no way to keep old content accessible. 
> A StackExchange site will probably take care of the technical questions.
> Your PBWorks site is useful, though. Many people compile lists of 
> information in different ways and different people like different ways, so 
> more regular TiddlyWiki users may use your list to find resources.
> TiddlyWiki on Stack Overflow is not used because no one has been 
> monitoring it or pointing to it. However, if we create a StackExchange 
> site, it will become used a lot, because we'll start sending people over 
> there with their questions.
> I don't think we will get too scattered. This is reminding me of a swarm 
> of honeybees. When they swarm, most of them will go find a tree and sit 
> there while the scouts go out and decide where to make their new home. Then 
> the scouts come back and talk to each other and keep going back and forth 
> till they decide. Then they all go to the new place. 
> In the same way, any solution we find is going to be community driven, so 
> if it doesn't take we'll all come back here and regroup. People generally 
> like cohesiveness, so we will probably find ways to make it work. Most of 
> the discussion here is just exploring different options. Even the 
> StackExchange proposal is part of that discussion. 
> On Dec 27, 2016 10:00 AM, "Josiah" < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> 3b - StackExchange/Overflow initiative that Arlen is advancing covers some 
> of the same territory as 3a. The difference between Reddit & StackOverflow, 
> as far as I grasp it, is it is a bit more orientated to technical 
> specificity than Reddit. Supporting supplementary wikis looks a bit more 
> difficult. Getting people involved requires numbers. The barriers to full 
> entry look kinda high, though it would register real commitment if 
> achieved. Arlen will correct me if I am wrong (please).
> I think that a StackExchange site will have a fairly strong amount of 
> support. Wiki info may be difficult. WikiBooks or Reddit may be a very 
> useful answer. There is a documentation feature on Stack Overflow that may 
> be available on other sites. We could use it as a starting point. 
> I don't think that the entry requirements are very formidable given the 
> size of our Google Group. Once we get to beta we will find out, though. 
> Even if we don't end up with a StackExchange site, we could consider using 
> the tag on Stack Overflow.
> Thanks,
> -Arlen
> -------------------------------------------------------
> I'm supporting a proposal to create a new Q&A website for anyone who uses 
> TiddlyWiki, and anyone who develops for TiddlyWiki.
> It's built on the same software as, a hugely popular 
> site where over seven million programmers help each other with difficult 
> programming problems. On Stack Overflow the audience votes for the best 
> answer, so the answer you want is usually right at the top, not on page 
> five.
> I'm hoping that a site for anyone who uses TiddlyWiki, and anyone who 
> develops for TiddlyWiki would have the same kind of network effect and turn 
> into an amazing resource.
> The proposal process is going on here:
> If you're interested in participating, go to that URL and click on the 
> orange "Follow It!" button.

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