Jon, I do not think I (we) lack the appreciation for the complexities of the 
problem. As a user, we bow to the Almighty Powers of The Developers, but I 
think you underestimate how important an easy save feature is, as we have it 

The problem as we see it, is very relevant to the use and spread of TW. In my 
opinion, to have an easy save option is not a "nice to have feature" or a 
question of  (in)convenience. I use TW on Linux without it, and I lost lot of 
work because  I closed browser / tab accidentally or because I simply forgot 
to save. TW is capabilities are way to complex to not to have an "auto" save 

I also disagree with the assumption that the save option is a server side 
feature. I understand the notion why it is easier to have that on a server 
side based wiki. I am not saying we need to have the same functionality as a 
server side wiki. There are many solutions, besides plug ins, which were 
listed before by the members of this list. Currently we do not have a platform 
independent solution for the problem. 

Maybe I am overestimating the problem, that would be valid answer I accept, 
yet disagree with.

I rest my case. :)


On Montag, 13. März 2017 07:38:14 CET Jon wrote:
> Josiah,
> You seem to be pushing for something which you see as inconvenient without
> appreciating the underlying complexities involved, which as a "naive" user
> myself, I can only guess at.
> I just think that if there was a quick fix to this issue, Jeremy would have
> already introduced it.
> Regards
> Jon
> On Sunday, 12 March 2017 14:01:50 UTC, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> > *Here is a discussion I and Jeremy Ruston started, privately, on Twitter.
> > We realised that it could just as well be public in case anyone else wants
> > to read / comment ... *
> > 
> > *Josiah, 1... *
> > Are we all doomed to have to give up on simple download file-saving?
> > 
> > Do you know if the excellent TiddlyFox 2 will still work after the ominous
> > Firefox 57?
> > 
> > WHY do Mozilla take so LONG approving add-ons?
> > 
> > WHY do you keep TiddlyFox on Mozilla add-ons marked as "Experimental"?
> > 
> > Best wishes
> > Josiah
> > 
> > 
> > *Jeremy, 1...*
> > By “simple download file saving” do you mean the default fall back HTML 5
> > saver? I’ve no idea about Firefox 57. I’ve no idea why Mozilla do what
> > they
> > do. I mark it experimental to save it going through Mozilla’s more
> > rigorous
> > full review.
> > 
> > 
> > *Josiah, 2...*
> > Ciao Jeremy. I guess where I am coming from is as a "naive" user (well,
> > I'm pretending to be one & try stay in that skin a bit).
> > 
> > I'm trying to get my head round the stumbling blocks to better uptake of
> > TW.
> > 
> > No. On "saving" I mean what TiddlyFox does brilliantly, simply. Overwrite.
> > The fallback behaviour of save(1) save(2) is not viable, IMO, for most
> > folk.
> > 
> > On Mozilla ... on everything I read they are internally confident in what
> > they are doing ... just about everything else is like witnessing shooting
> > into the foot. It all gets too convoluted.
> > 
> > I now understand why you keep it "experimental". From a naive user point
> > of view its a slight put-off. I'm not sure but does the latest v1 still
> > work in FF 52. 57 is when they say they will go wholly WebExtensions:
> > Firefox 57 - Compatability Milestone
> > <
> > bility-milestones/>
> > 
> > *Jeremy, 2...*
> > Here’s the thing: all the difficulties in getting started with TiddlyWiki
> > stem from the single file architecture. It’s fiddly and unfamiliar to most
> > people. The simple fix is to move it to an online service, when all those
> > problems melt away. Simple. If on the other hand, anyone wants the
> > considerable advantages of working offline without a server, well, then
> > TiddlyWiki is the only thing on the planet that can help them, and it
> > comes
> > with a learning curve. That’s life.
> > 
> > *Jeremy, 3...*
> > My sense is that you are pushing to find a way for the standalone HTML
> > file experience to match the ease of use of an online service. I don’t
> > think that’s possible.

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