Hi All:

I hope this is not going to be an embarrassing question.  But I did search 
the docs and groups/forums to no avail, so here goes...

I am trying to do a copy of a single tiddler from one local TW5 file to 
another.  For example, an "action item" exists in a small "to-do list" TW5 
wiki, but perhaps now I am wanting to file & cross reference it into a 
larger "research notes" TW5 wiki, and then delete it from the "action 
items" wiki (which I want to keep as small as possible).

I see from the TW5 docs that a copy operation is done by a drag & drop of 
the source URL onto the destination browser window.  So I generated a 
permalink for the tiddler in the "source window", and dragged it onto the 
destination window, which kicked off the import process.

The result of this is import process yields a tiddler with a URI to the 
permalink.  So it's (kind of) like a "copy-by-reference".  What I seek is 
more of a a "copy-by-value".  So then I tried the "import" tool via the 
tool tab.  Which will work to do the copy by value.  But...

...For a single tiddler, it's not very user friendly. To import the one 
tiddler from the source wiki took about 120 clicks, as I had to disable all 
the tiddlers that I did not want to copy over.  That's a lot of 
clickity-clicking!  I did not see any "select/deselect all", which could 
have made it take only 2 or 3 clicks.  

So, am I missing a key user interface?  It there a simpler way to import 
(or copy by value) the content (versus the URI/URL) of a single tiddler?  

I can see one response being: "why not just cut/paste"?  As I explore TW5, 
and think about moving tiddlers from one TW5 "notebook" to another, I also 
think it's important to try to preserve tagging states, and also custom 
field states, which a simple copy/paste operation seems insufficient to 

If it's missing functionality, perhaps a column header with the 
aforementioned "select/deselect all/none" functionality would suffice?

Details: I am operating TW5 with Firefox 50.0.2 on Linux Mint 18 (Sarah) 
XFCE (and loving it, BTW).

Best regards,

-- Daniel

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