I wondered that too. It appears to be for internal use. You could generate 
a whole block of encrypted stuff, but without a corresponding decrypt 
widget it's not very useful.

You might look at Danielo's code: 


On Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 10:57:11 AM UTC-7, Vayu Asura wrote:
> I have a set of tiddlers tagged "admin". I want their content display to 
> require a password. Tried EncryptWidget with the filter [tag[admin]] - with 
> the global set password (through padlock tool) it encrypts itself and I can 
> still edit it. It doesn't encrypt the tagged tiddlers. There's 
> PasswordWidget and an inaccessible PasswordVault I don't get how to use. So 
> it just doesn't add up for me. How do I do this?

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