Hi Josiah and thank you,

Could you please point me towards the work of Riz? I don't think I've seen 
it and it would be very useful to see what other people have done. The 
other work I found that was useful to me, in addition to Jeremy's docs, was 
by Welford: https://github.com/welford/twstaticblog

Indeed static sites are poorly named - the only thing that's static about 
them is the deliverable assets at any instant in time. In fact Tiddlywiki 
itself is usually delivered as a "static" asset but is, of course, very 
dynamic once on the client.

The main win for me in setting up the system as I have is that I now have 
effectively "one click" publishing from TW on my desktop to the Netlify 
global CDN, so my site has the same up-time and availability as some major 
sites (https://www.netlify.com/case-studies/). All I have to do is tag 
tiddlers "Live" and run a Git commit and the site gets rebuilt "in the 
cloud" in about 30 seconds. One more reason to love Tiddlywiki.


On Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 10:44:32 PM UTC+10, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> Ciao RichardWS
> I made a static site with Tiddlywiki and a tutorial explaining how I did 
>> it: https://www.didaxy.com/exporting-static-sites-from-tiddlywiki
> A few comments ...
> 1 - Far too modest. 
> Don't underwhelm your audience. 
> As far as I can see this is documentation of a fairly developed CMS 
> 2 - Saying its "static" generation sorta separates the mother from baby. 
> But I don't think its accurate. Your method, even if you yourself don't go 
> that way,  could ALSO generate dynamic sites (i.e. that include JavaScript).
> 3 - I think that more upfront, *probably in the Title, you should make 
> clear this is a NODE.JS mediated CMS*. [Its important in the sense that 
> on GG there is a lot of discussion about "static" TW. Frankly, most of it 
> is confusing truly STATIC sites with REDUCED ACCESS interface a lot of the 
> time. You want to avoid getting mixed into that confusion like the plague.]
> 4 -  The DETAIL in your tutorial is great to read. 
> 5 - A wondering? Is this compatible with what Riz did? If so, then a link 
> to his examples could be helpful adjunctive to display the potential in a 
> strongly visual way.
> Very best wishes
> Josiah

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