
I will just remove the "//" and everything that follows to the end of the 
line (remove all comments and keep the programming)

I did create 2 short scripts, that you can copy paste into your developer 
> console and execute there. 
> ...
> The following script doesn't modify anything. 
> It just outputs a list of new tiddler names. ... 

by copy paste into my developer console - you mean just add a new tiddler 
called "PMario step 1"  with the body containing your code (stripped of 
comments) and save it - and it is going to reveal me a list of tiddlers to 

Developer console must be something else...


> "use strict";
> // read existing tiddlers
> var titles = $tw.wiki.getTiddlers();
> var newTitle = function (elem) {
>     var xx,
>           match = elem.match(/(.+)(\d{4}-\d?\d-\d?\d)(.*)/);
>     if (match != null) {
>         // matched text: match[0]
>         // match start: match.index
>         // capturing group n: match[n]
>         // swap matches
>         if (match[1] && match[2]) {
>             xx = match[2] + " " + match[1]
>         }
>         // If there is some text after the date append it
>         // format: <date> <match 1>--<match 3>
>         // just change the "--"   to your likings
>         if (match[3]) xx = xx + "--" + match[3];
>         return xx.trim(); // trim() removes trailing spaces
>     } else {
>         return elem;
>     }
> }
> // create new titles
> var newTitles = titles.map(newTitle)
> newTitles.map(function(elem) {console.log(elem)})
> *Second step *- *Danger Zone*
> If the frist step went OK, you can use the second function to rewrite your 
> titles. 
> "use strict";
> // read existing tiddlers
> var titles = $tw.wiki.getTiddlers();
> var rewriteTitles = function (elem) {
>     var xx,
>         match = elem.match(/(.+)(\d{4}-\d?\d-\d?\d)(.*)/);
>     if (match != null) {
>         // matched text: match[0]
>         // match start: match.index
>         // capturing group n: match[n]
>         // swap matches
>         if (match[1] && match[2]) {
>             xx = match[2] + " " + match[1]
>         }
>         // If there is some text after the date append it
>         // format: <date> <match 1>--<match 3>
>         // just change the "--"   to your likings
>         if (match[3]) xx = xx + "--" + match[3];
>         var tid = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(elem)
>         xx.trim(); // trim() removes trailing spaces
>         // danger zone ...
>         if (tid) {
>           $tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tid, {title: xx}));
>           $tw.wiki.deleteTiddler(elem);
>           // create some feedback
>           console.log(elem, "-->", xx);
>         }
>         return xx; 
>     } else {
>         return elem;
>     }
> }
> // Enter the Danger Zone!
> // BACKUP - BACKUP - BACKUP before you execute this!
> // You need to uncomment the next line to excute the function!!
> // titles.map(rewriteTitles);
> Depending on the number of tiddlers, this may take some time. 
> have fun!
> mario

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