Ciao TonyM & Mark S.

Thanks for your replies.

TonyM wrote:
> I tend to be going in the direction of building specific applications, 
> perhaps I would call this publishing TiddlyWiki instances, perhaps to 
> provide online tools or take home applications...

... In these cases I expect them to be self contained and self documented 

Right. That's what I'm thinking.

> Whilst I wholeheartedly support promoting adoption through turn key 
> solutions, easy adoption and well guided introductions to tiddlywikis 
> capabilities, however I believe it must always expose its shear enormous 
> benefits to an enthusiasts willing to "bite the bullet".

YES. Many users nowadays are fascinated by not only having the "clock" but 
also being able to tweak its mechanism themselves.

And NO. In my sense many potential users only want to get a delimited thing 
done. To run an app. for defined purposes with the least setup hassle 
possible. *Its mainly this class of users I was thinking of.*
Mark S. wrote:
> It sounds like you're talking about *Editions.*

Right. Editions. Though "wrapped" inside some kind of runtime engine so 
there is ONE install. Not a TW Edition plus browser plus add-ons or hacks 
or node or wotnot. Just *one installable package*.

> One can imagine various TW's customized for Contact Management, Education, 
> Recipes, Book Readers, Quizzing, Calendars, etc.

Right. I think its exactly these kind of discrete apps that could be well 
suited for this. 

> Tiddlyspot offers various aging custom solutions. Something like that but 
> with a host of starter options would be cool.

In some earlier discussion Jermolene has mentioned that he's inclined to 
view the "consumer version" of TW as most likely successful longer term via 
an on-line service. Innovations like NoteSelf and MaarfaPad might also have 
a role here in being able to transparently run TW in-browser and in-cloud.

Whilst I agree with Jermolene. I also think that locally installable 
"packaged apps" might also work well for some types of TW "consumers". In 
these cases the "browser" part of the interface is muted, so they appear 
more like conventional software

I think my OVERALL point (though not one I myself alone would have the 
competence to actually solve) is to get the benefits of dedicated 
"software" ...

- ease of install

- dedicated purpose

- app specific support

- reaching larger, differentiated (by users purposes), audiences for TW

Best wishes

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