On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 12:45:51 PM UTC-8, Stefan Spycher wrote:
> so, the thing i found is <$list filter=[sameday[20171127]]></$list>
> but what i'm having a hard time figuring out is how i can substitude the 
> hardcoded date to the 'created' date of the current tiddler (which is the 
> daily journal tiddler, so it's create date is exactly what i could use)
> long story short, how to use the <currentTiddler> created date in the 
> correct format (YYYYMMDD) as date for the sameday operator?

You can use any valid date **field reference** (i.e., {!!created} or 
{!!modified}) as the parameter value.  You can also specify an operator 
*suffix* to indicate which field to compare with.

Note that, as per the documentation for the sameday filter: "D may include 
a time of day, but this is ignored."

Thus, for your use-case:
<$list filter="[sameday:created{!!created}] [sameday:modified{!!created}]">
<li><$link><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></$link></li>

Note the use of two concatenated filter expressions to select tiddler by 
"created" OR "modified" field value matching the current tiddlers "created" 

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools.com: "Small Tools for Big Ideas!" (tm)
InsideTiddlyWiki: The Missing Manuals

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