Ciao Dave

Like the Reddit Effort to list plugins...

... you are illustrating the NEED for TiddlyWiki to CENTRALISE plugins. FOR 
TIDDLYWIKI to get USED MORE. A huge amount of its utility is in PLUGINS. 
They are still second-class citizens at the moment. They should not be.

The single issue that you have, as one person, is that you can't have 
knowledge of all the intricacies that come up.

I can tell you that in some cases (no names) you posted links that were 
already updated in discussions in GG. 

I think this a serious issue. One that your work illustrates. Your work 

In the longer term we need a better solution. 

Erwan did make a harvester that worked IF you signed up to it: It wasn't used much. Why not? 
Maybe people don't even know it exists? Same problem.

MY opinion on this is that Plugins SHOULD BROADCAST their existence. And 
that some system pick them up.

It would be as hell of a lot easier in the end.

Just thoughts

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