Hi all, I'm a complete n00b to TW, so I'm slowly wrapping my head around 
the philosophy and potential uses.

Apologies if these issues have been addressed elsewhere, but I wanted to 
ask this question before I invested too much time in it, in case my needs 
are best met with some other tool.

I'm imagining a website where twiddlies are bits of non-linear narrative, 
notes, quotes, etc. that can be explored in many different ways (links, 
tags) and, over time, build up to a more ordered, linked-up 'final draft' 
-- almost like a "process book" (in art-speak). This idea seems like its a 
perfect fit for TW's non-linear/"Story River" functionality. But what I 
don't understand is what happens after a TW (e.g. "empty.html") is uploaded 
to a webhost. Can people still add or edit twiddlies? Is there a way to 
turn that off? In fact, it would be great if there's a way to hide all 
"backend" tools and just focus on the side bar and twiddlies. Is this 
possible? I haven't seen any examples that show this.

And if this is possible, how would subsequent edits be made? Would I have 
to re-upload the whole "empty.html" each time? 

Is there a combination of plugins and themes that would allow me to do both 
things: hide all "admin" or unnecessary tools so the visitor can focus on 
the content while also allowing me to make additions directly into the file 
already uploaded?

The closest thing I've seen to an answer is: 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/IkT5EQFTBFY -- I'm just 
wondering if there's something that is more robust and intended for the 
usage I have in mind.


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