I am building a community website for that :)

It will take time because I need to prepare my tax and find commissions as 
an IT Consultant.


On Monday, July 2, 2018 at 9:58:08 PM UTC+10, Mohammad wrote:
> Hi Tony!
>  This is great and helpful, worth to put somewhere to be accessible later. 
> In this forum is hard to find and follow stuffs later.
> Cheers
> Mohammad
> On Monday, July 2, 2018 at 3:56:41 PM UTC+4:30, TonyM wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Here is a dump of my draft document, it is in no way finished, but will 
>> give you a feel for what I am trying to document. Please tell me what we 
>> should include.
>> I will try and show if then else while until etc.. in the long run
>> Regards
>> Tony
>> 1. SequenceOne step following anotherWith sequence it commonly stops 
>> when you reach the bottom of a tiddler
>>    - 1.1 Left to right, Top then down the wiki text, the first item is 
>>    displayed above the next etc... down the page
>> Note new line vs paragraphs
>>    - 1.2 Using list and a filter to get a sequence of items displayed or 
>>    acted on
>> Using a list for sequence it commonly stops when the members of the list 
>> finish/are exhausted, it then moves to the next line of the current tiddler 
>> until you reach the bottom of a tiddlerThis can be impacted by 
>> "Includes" see below.2. IterationRepeat for each item in a set, ending 
>> when no more items are in the set or some condition is true/false
>>    - 2.1 Using the list widget with a filter that has 0 or more members 
>>    - 2.2 An iteration can be ordered using sorting
>>    - 2.3 There are many ways to re-iterate, and you can re-iterate 
>>    Macros, with transclusions and a lot more, most iterations will end with 
>> no 
>>    more members in a list or some other condition.
>> 3. SortingChoosing the order in which more than one item is listed
>>    - 3.1 Filtered lists permit the addition of the sort[fieldname] 
>>    filter operator which can be used to sort the final list
>> Default is title or for tagged items the order in which they appear in 
>> the tags list field!sort[fieldname] will reverse the order
>>    - 3.2 Used with iteration to support the order in which the items are 
>>    acted on 
>> 4. Selection/Decisionusing some condition to determine whether to 
>> display something or not
>>    - 4.1 A list field will list is membership if there are members. 
>>    otherwise will not
>>    - 4.2 If you need to determine if there are one or more (not Zero 
>>    members), or any other number of something
>> You can use the limit[n] filter operator so that limit[1] will display 
>> only once if there is one or more members?Limit[0] works??Use ? starting 
>> line for a different class
>>    - 4.3 If you want to test there is no members?
>> The emptyMessage is available on the list widget and emptyValue on the 
>> set widget
>>    - 4.4 What if you want to list the non-members
>> Using the ! with the filter operatorsNote default set all regular 
>> tiddlers so perhaps filter based on another condition first
>>    - 4.5 The reveal widget allows a section to be displayed according to 
>>    a match including comparisons
>> Reveal widgets can also be nested
>>    - 4.6 Simple Comparisons
>>    - 4.7 Inclusion/exclusion and other selection tests
>>    - The do nothing case or filter but exclude
>>    - A tiddler but not those it is the prefix of
>> [prefix[tiddlername]suffix[tiddlername]] is both its prefix and its 
>> suffix
>>    - 4.8 Selection and decisions can be made based on values that are in 
>>    variables, Tiddlers, fields and more
>> so review *Using Values and variables* or *Setting Values and variables*5. 
>> NestingThis is the process where one set of actions occur within another 
>> set of actions, With tiddlywiki nesting can occur for many levels "deep"This 
>> is how Case and Recursion below, amongst other structures are possible.
>>    - 5.1 One implicit example of nesting is a Single ListWidget 
>>    <> in a particular 
>>    tiddler, it is in fact nesting its result in the existing tiddler
>>    - 5.2 In most cases anything you write can be nested within something 
>>    else, and as many deep as you choose.
>> However if you nest your current tiddler in the current tiddler you *may* 
>> face infinite recursion (like between two mirrors)See 7.x Recursion for 
>> intentional use of this ability
>>    - 5.3 Example Nesting list widgets
>> <$list filter="filter1">
>> Do this for each filter1 case
>>    <$list filter="filter2">
>>    Do this for each filter2 case
>>        <$list filter="filter3">
>>            Do this for each filter3 case
>>           <$list filter="filter4">
>>              Do this for each filter4 case
>>           </$list>
>>        </$list>
>>    </$list>
>> </$list>
>> *Notes:* 
>>    - If the number of levels of nesting can vary or is large or unknown 
>>    using *recursion* may be a better solution.
>>    - If transclusion or macro are used to *include* additional content 
>>    these are in effect nested where they are included, and may contain other 
>>    nesting themselves.
>>    - Each filter applies to the CurrentTiddler 
>>    <> as determined by 
>>    the previous ListWidget 
>>    <> unless a variable=
>>    *variablename* is set.
>>    - Each filter starts with an assumption you are filtering from all 
>>    tiddlers, so use a variable or currentTiddler value from the previous 
>> List 
>>    widget for logically nested lists.
>> 6. CaseWhen you want something to occur differently for each case or 
>> member in a set6.1 A simple list allows you to do something for each 
>> member in a list which is a simple example of the "Case" structure.In 
>> the following example each member of the set becomes the current tiddler 
>> and everything in "Do this for this case" will be applied to each tiddler.
>> <$list filter="yourfilter">
>> Do this for each case
>> </$list>
>> 6.2 Treating specific cases differentlynote in the below skeleton that 
>> the "specific case" tests are nested at the same level within the 
>> "yourfilter" outer listWidget
>> <$list filter="yourfilter">
>> Do this for each case
>>    <$list filter="specificcase1filter">
>>        Do this for each specificcase
>>    </$list>
>>    <$list filter="specificcase2filter">
>>        Do this for each specificcase2
>>    </$list>
>> </$list>
>> very sophisticated case structures can be built with the power of each 
>> list filter, emptyMessageexamples to follow
>>    - One statement for a subgroup or list of values
>>    - Multiple actions for each case
>> 7. RecursionA process calling itself
>>    - 7.1 Using ListWidgets 
>>    <> in a tiddler or 
>>    macro to call itself allows you to perform recursive loops
>> For example building a TableOfContents 
>> <> which list the 
>> tiddlers tagging the top tiddler, then all tiddlers tagging those, then all 
>> tiddlers tagging those...The advantage of the list widget is it 
>> typically finishes after the last item in the list is processed, ensuring 
>> you eventually exit all recursion levels See WikiPedia on Recursion 
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursion>8. Includesincluding content in 
>> one location that is found in another
>>    - 8.1 Macros
>>    - 8.2 Transclusion
>> 9. Using Values and variablesSet/Vars/ParamsEmptyValue 
>> <>/EmptyMessage 
>> <>Auto seting in liststitles 
>> of tiddlers vs pseudo titles from lists10 Setting Values and variablesOften 
>> values and variables can be set in the context they are used as seen in 
>> *Using 
>> Values and variables*, however we often want the user to supply 
>> information for our Values and Variables
>>    - Select
>>    - Checkbox
>>    - Edit
>>    - 
>> 11. Accessing last or previous values
>> On Monday, July 2, 2018 at 9:05:52 PM UTC+10, TonyM wrote:
>>> Evan of formulas fame has also provided logical operators you can use 
>>> but it can be achived with a set of listwidgets and filters with the else 
>>> handled buy using the same filter with negation using !
>>> Even using the emptyMessage in list and emptyVale in set widgets helps.
>>> You can nest list widgets in any combination you want. I have half 
>>> written a guide on this, tw equivalents to normal code structures, I can 
>>> share the draft.
>>> It takes a little to learn the filter equivalent of if tests but once 
>>> mastered they can be more powerful because they are not only logical 
>>> operators but act on sets of titles (which can be litteral values not just 
>>> tiddler titles).
>>> One difference is tw does not favor simple true false test as much 
>>> because what it offers is designed to respond to tiddlers, tags and fields 
>>> and is thus much richer.
>>> Providing some simpler tests may assist users.
>>> Regards
>>> Tony

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