
One place to start : https://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ and type hook in the 
search area.
I've found this too : 

I don't know in what kind of module the JS code needs to be, and if it's a 
startup module, when does it has to start.



Le mercredi 1 août 2018 18:53:48 UTC+2, Mark S. a écrit :
> Where do I learn about this hook?
> Thanks!
> -- Mark
> On Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 9:21:14 AM UTC-7, FrD wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Another way would be to use the "th-saving-tiddler" hook (if it's 
>> available). So when you save the tiddler it automagically add the value of 
>> field1 as a tag.
>> But that's way above my TW skills :-)
>> Regards
>> FrD
>> Le mercredi 1 août 2018 17:55:55 UTC+2, FrD a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't much about the edit template, but apart from typing John :-), I 
>>> can't think of any other solution.
>>> Having taken a quick look at $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags which is the 
>>> part of the edit template which deals with tags, ant at the tag-picker 
>>> macro ($:/core/macros/tag-picker), I don't think they allow what you want 
>>> to do.
>>> Regards
>>> FrD
>>> Le mercredi 1 août 2018 16:52:47 UTC+2, Alexei R a écrit :
>>>> I'll try to explain it again:
>>>> Let say we have two tiddlers. One tiddler with a *field *named 
>>>> "field1" and it has value "John" and the another (second tiddler) tiddler 
>>>> has the same field "field1" but with enother value "Ringo".
>>>> What should I type into area marked with red circle?
>>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-foWlfWgfge0/W2HIfF3zcpI/AAAAAAAAM0Y/6a83iw8PgDwnFZ5-Mp_yAgo6imMMwZ5rQCLcBGAs/s1600/edit.PNG>
>>>> In order to get the following result:
>>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--dfmWKIst5I/W2HI9EC0OfI/AAAAAAAAM0g/hB09rQgLGeIYXHUaws35U_IjHjFeatA5ACLcBGAs/s1600/get.PNG>
>>>> When "John" not hard coded as tag but it parametric value of "field1" 
>>>> field.
>>>> On Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 4:59:56 PM UTC+3, FrD wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I've tried it in https://tiddlywiki.com/ and it works for me. But 
>>>>> maybe I misunderstood your question.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> FrD
>>>>> Le mercredi 1 août 2018 15:39:51 UTC+2, Alexei R a écrit :
>>>>>> I'v just tryed it doesn't work for me :-(
>>>>>> Isn't a simple way to just type somthing like {{!!myfield}}> into *tag 
>>>>>> name* input fild in tiddler editing mode?
>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 4:15:38 PM UTC+3, FrD wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Create a tiddler. Add a field ("myfield" for the code below to 
>>>>>>> work). Assign a value to this field (even with white spaces).
>>>>>>> Add this code inside the tiddler :
>>>>>>> <$button>Field To Tag
>>>>>>> <$set name="myfieldvalue" value={{!!myfield}}>
>>>>>>> <$action-listops $field="tags" $subfilter="[<myfieldvalue>]"/>
>>>>>>> </$set>
>>>>>>> </$button>
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> FrD
>>>>>>> Le mercredi 1 août 2018 14:28:25 UTC+2, Alexei R a écrit :
>>>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>>>> Please help me to understend how can I assign value of a field as 
>>>>>>>> name of a tag.
>>>>>>>> Let say we have one tiddler with *field *named "field1" and it has 
>>>>>>>> value "John" and the second has the same field "field1" with value 
>>>>>>>> "Ringo".
>>>>>>>> How can I get the tiddler to be taged as "John" by refferensing to 
>>>>>>>> the string "John" by field name (in our case "field1") only?
>>>>>>>> How can I get both tiddlers to automaticly been tagged with value 
>>>>>>>> of theyer own field "field1": tiddler on as "John" and tiddler two as 
>>>>>>>> "Ringo".
>>>>>>>> Some how I need to make tiddler to display value of its particular 
>>>>>>>> field as tag...

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