I'm wondering if the listops "append" might be of use (couldn't get that to 
work though)

I also tried this:
\define myresults()
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]]" variable="fieldname">
<$list filter="[all[current]get<fieldname>prefix[1]suffix[1]]" variable=
"dummy" >
<$list filter="[title<fieldname>getindex[origin]]" variable="origin">


<$action-setfield $field="aaa" $value=<<myresults>>/>

<$view field="aaa"/>

but it just puts all the "code" from the myresults macro into the field :(

If this were bash, I'd be looking at filtering out carriage returns from 
<$list filter="[title<fieldname>getindex[origin]]" variable="origin">

part, and then going back to the version with 
<$action-setfield $field="aaa" $value=<<origin>>/>

Are carriage returns an issue with TW? They would be represented as the 
breaks between the sets of data coming from the data tiddlers...

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