Hello TiddlyWiki users!

I'm happy to announce the latest version of my full text search plugin, 
1.1.0!  You can get it from my site here <https://hoelz.ro/files/fts.html>!

The first thing you might notice is that I completely revamped the demo 
wiki, providing a lot of examples on how to use the plugin.

This release includes a number of bug fixes, but more exciting are of 
course the new features.  Among the new features are:

   - You can now tell the plugin to automatically index your wiki's 
   contents upon startup, rather than having to do it by hand every time you 
   load your wiki.
   - Wildcard and fuzzy searches, which were available before, albeit in a 
   limited fashion, are now properly supported.  However, the indexing tricks 
   I had to pull to get them to work properly come at a performance cost, so 
   in order to use them, you need to open the plugin's tab in the control 
   panel and enable them if you want them.

Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated!


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