On Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 2:56:04 AM UTC+2, Paul Boughner wrote:
> Yep, that would do what I want. I will need to pull it apart as have more 
> than just one category. Like endOfWeekReview, escalate, farmOut, 
> lessonLearned, etc.

If I recall, you can use as many "categories" as you want - it is just a 
matter of using different markers.

> I live in the industrial side of things; mind giving me an orientation to 
> the filter mechanics? I like tours.

If I understand your question right and if I remember (I haven't looked at 
it in quite a while), the strategy was to iteraterat through the text with 
filter operators like splitbefore[marker] and removeprefix to get rid of 
what was already investigated, and then send the remainder to the macro 
again for a recursive iteration until the end. 


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