I have a knowledge base of sorts that I have built into a tiddlywiki. 
Thousands of tiddlers are being specified in a set of google sheets (each 
row is a tiddler). The CSVs are converted to JSON and imported, populating 
tags, fields and the text field. The text field is just: <$transclude 
tiddler="template_a"/>, the rest of the csv is defining tags or fields. The 
transcluded template then renders the fields based on the template using a 
lot of $view and $set calls. Frequently tiddlers may not have certain 
fields defined, as a result I am using $reveal calls to include or exclude 
parts of the template (mainly <$reveal type="nomatch" state="!!eff_cs" 
text=""> like calls)

In all, this is working pretty well. However, I have two particular 
situations that I have not been able to figure out.

1. I want to reveal a part of the template based on if the tidder doing the 
transclusion has a particular tag. e.g. IF my_reveal_tag EXISTS_IN_TIDDLER 
then REVEAL some_text_in_template.

Right now I have been making a tag for a trait in order to enable easy 
indexing, and seperately making a field with the same information for 
controlling the template. It would be easier to only define the information 
in one place.

2. There are also some instances where I want a section of the template to 
be revealed except when some set of fields are all blank. I tried to use a 
macro to concatenate the fields and check if the results was an empty 
string but I couldn't seem to get it to work. e.g. REVEAL 
some_text_in_template IF field_a != "" OR field_b != "" OR field_c != ""

Any recommendations would be appreciated

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