TonyM wrote:
> ...  check for 10.*.*.* 192.168.*.* 127.*.*.* or if equal to or 
> to determine if they are local or public addresses. 

I done this in two posts so its easier to understand. 

To help Mohammad document let's first deal with how to simply match IP 
sub-numbers 0 to 255 using regex in decimal & binary.

*0-255, Decimal*

<option value="\b([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\b">0-255 
Decimal, no leading zeros</option>

*\b* = "word boundary". (In regex, numbers are just word characters.)
*"(...)"* = a capturing group.
*"|"* = alternate matches within the group (like "or")
*[0-9]* = match from 0 to 9
*[1-9][0-9]* = 10 to 99
*1[0-9][0-9]* = 100 to 199
*2[0-4][0-9]* = 200 to 249
*25[0-5]* = 250 to 255
*\b *= "word boundary"

*00000000-11111111, Binary*

IP addresses, in binary, use leading zeros. These are very easy to match. 

255 decimal is 11111111 binary, so just repeat 1 or 0 8 times by using {8} next 
to the class or group.

Using* [...] *Character Class 
<option value="\b[01]{8}\b">00000000-11111111, Binary Byte</option>

Using* "|" *Alternation in a Capture Group 
<option value="\b(0|1){8}\b">00000000-11111111, Binary Byte</option>

*Interesting fact: This is the maximum info a byte (8 bits) can hold, in 
decimal 255 & 0, i.e. 256 combinations, hence "magic number" 256.*


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