In this part questions raise for finding and matching a substring in a 
Tiddler fields. This field is NOT text
as we will discuss this in another thread and seems needs more work.

*Target fields*: created modified

write regexp patterns to match

   1. created/modified  in August 2019
   2. created/modified on Wednesdays
   3. created/modified on 3rd day of each month
   4. created/modified on 1st of December of each year
   5. created/modified on January of each year

Target fields: other user fields

   1. store a url in format http://xx.yy... or https://xx.yy...
   2. store an email: like or
   3. store an integer number only: like 598012543
   4. store a negative  integer number only: like 598012543
   5. store an image filename like .png/.jpeg/.tiff/.gif
   6. store a transcluded value in the form of {{aaa}}
   7. store a transcluded value in the form of {{aaa!!bb}}
   8. store an html tag like <div class="" style="">content </div>
   9. store image like [img[source]] or [img width=xx [source]]
   10. store a floating number 1.2365
   11. store time in format hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss am/pm

Please give solution! Please give other use cases
Only focus on user fields and system fields except TEXT and Tags and Title.



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