On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 6:29:40 PM UTC-5, TonyM wrote:
> Mario and Coda, Thanks for the feedback. 
>    - I wonder how these alternates stand against my suggestion of hackability 
>    through patchability 
>    <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/tiddlywikidev/-aC6jWNTHdI>
>    .
> If you're talking about your tagging idea to extend hackability of core 
buttons... that's on another level entirely. The pseudocode I mentioned is 
nowhere near as powerful. And really, my proposal is only a "nice to have" 
kinda thing.  To a coder (cough) it would "feel right" (well, it does to 
this coder, anyway ;))


>    - Please note for the "action on any button" I propose does not demand 
>    any differentiation between pre/main and post actions. It is simply used 
> as 
>    a trigger.
>    - Can you explain further when and how one would want to 
>    differentiation between pre/main and post actions
> I stand to be corrected but it seems to me deprecating actions widgets 
> inside buttons is causing more problems than advantages and solves a 
> "problem" not visible to most users and designers.

That's true. But I wasn't proposing deprecation of the old method, more an 
"as well as". And it's similar to your tagging approach - if the pre-* 
exists, call it, otherwise do nothing. And of course, when I say "exists", 
it can exist anywhere in the current scope, not necessarily in the same 
tiddler body (much like we approach macros like currentTiddler, for 

And Tony, remember how your tagging method works - the extension mechanism 
you've provided would pull in code from anywhere given a tag match.

> You are both already talking about fundamental changes to the button 
> widget so it seems revisiting this is almost necessary anyway.

Always. Again, "as well as" not "instead of".

> Perhaps another strategy would be to build a new widget, perhaps 
> action-button that has the additional subtlety encoded. Perhaps designed 
> from the ground up so that it works equally well with actions inside the 
> button widgets, so this need not be deprecated.

No. Extend, not replace.

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